

November 11, 2024
The meeting was called to order by club president Lori Redmond at 6:05PM.  23 members were present.  We had no guests at tonight’s meeting. Club President Redmond opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance; Welcome everyone.

—In honor of Veterans Day, President Redmond recognized members present at the meeting who served in the military: Robin Jones and Jim Redmond served in the Army, Al (Butch) Kubon served in the Navy.  Thank you all for your service!
—Lisa Jones acknowledged those members that were deceased this past year:  Ron Zimmerman, Rex McMorris and Ray Fauber.  Rest in peace.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting.  Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting.  Lisa Jones, Treasurer, stated that if there are no comments or changes, this report stands as presented.

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to members. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting.  Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website.  Mourina Sweet, Secretary, stated that if there are no comments or changes, this report stands as presented.

—See scheduled events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones.  Butch stated that the Christmas party is Sat, Dec 7th at the Par a dice Hotel in East Peoria. If you have not signed up and plan on attending, please contact Butch.
—MICC Autocross date is the first weekend in October 2025.
—If you have any suggestions for club events, trips, or meet and eats, Butch Kubon would love to hear your ideas. Butch’s contact information is on the club membership list.

Governor’s report:
—Jim Redmond attended the meeting and took Glen Goggins, the newly elected Governor, with him to familiarize him with the meeting procedures.—Jim reported that a new National NCCC Board has been elected.
—Blue Bars magazine is available on line for those who do not want to receive it in the mail
—Members wanting to attend need to register for 2025 NCCC convention in Wisconsin Dells by February 1, 2025
—Date of convention: Aug 16-27, 2025. The registration fee is $195 per person
—NCCC financial statement was presented to the NCCC board
—Midwest region of NCCC suggested a club get together at the Autocross event at the Nation Corvette Museum.

Visitors and new Members:
—We had no visitors at this meeting.

Member spotlight:
—Lisa Jones expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in December 2024.   Lisa acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized.

Old Business:
—Election results for 2025 officers were announced.  Rich Anderson will be MICC president, Mourina ‘Moe’ Sweet will continue as MICC secretary and Glen Goggins will be MICC governor.   

New Business:
—Lisa Jones reported that the new NCCC member password is E-RAY.
—Jim Redmond stated that an inventory needs to be done of the items in the club trailer.  Bruce Adamson, Glen Goggins, and Tom Stanesa volunteered to help Jim

—Our newly elected governor, Glen Goggins introduced himself to the club and told the membership he is looking forward to this new experience and hopes to learn a lot that can be useful to the club.
—Gary Uftring spoke about Ray Fauber’s legacy.  Gary praised Ray for the outstanding human that we all know he was.  Gary said that Ray’s car collection will be taken to Kissimmee, Florida and will be sold at Mecum auctions on Jan 15, 2025.  Pictures of the 77 cars may be viewed here:
As of January 17, 2025, the items are all labeled “sold.”

50/50: Winner was Moe Sweet. 

Trivia: The trivia question for tonight was answered correctly by Mike Allison.

Feedback: The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club, activities, events, guest speakers, etc. please contact new MICC president Rich Anderson.

Adjournment: At 6:55 PM, President Lori Redmond stated that if there is nothing further to discuss, the meeting is adjourned.

REMINDER: There will be no December meeting, we will meet at the Christmas party on Dec 7, 2024 at the Par a dice Hotel in East Peoria, IL.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary
October 14, 2024

—The meeting was called to order by club president, Lori Redmond at 6:03 PM.
Club President Redmond welcomed everyone to the meeting.

—Dennis Medley from Mid-America film producers was our speaker tonight. He wants cars from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s to use in producing a film about old cars. Filming will be done in Chillicothe and Peoria. His interest is mostly in using Chevy products. He proposed that his company will take your cars to use. He stated that a participant will sign a contract with him to take your car and use it. There is no fee or monetary reimbursement for your participation.
—John Haase spoke about preparing your Corvette for the winter. He suggested using a full-time battery maintainer and it is not necessary to start the car monthly. Use tire stands to keep the tires from becoming flat on one side, roll the car forward and backward occasionally will also help keep the tires round. He was asked if using dryer sheets in and around the car are helpful to keep mice away. Questionable? Drive your car in the winter time if the roads are dry and salt free. Enjoy your car all year. John drives his year around. Thanks, John, for the helpful tips.
—Lori Redmond sent out a huge thank you to all who worked at and participated in the Auto Cross event. Butch Kubon seconded that and thanked the Hound and Hare committee for a fun event. Lori also stated that all club members that are veterans will be honored at the November 2024 meeting.
—Moe Sweet spoke about the annual Pleasant Hill Kids shoe buying day. 25-30 of the neediest kids are selected to take a bus to a selected shoe store to buy them new shoes for the winter. A discussion ensued about how the kids are selected and how many kids we take. Money for this project is strictly club members donations, always has been. Prices continue to go up, if we take more kids that means more money is needed. It was suggested that we use money from the club treasury so that we can take more kids. This presents some problems in that we need more volunteers, the room that is available at the shoe store is limited and taking more kids out of school is disruptive. The kids that are not selected, because the need is not there, feel slighted. It is up to the school employees to decide what kids are the neediest. Due to time constraints, this subject was tabled for later discussion.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. In Lisa Jones absence, Moe Sweet presented the Treasurer’s report. Moe stated that if there are no comments or changes, this report stands as presented.

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. Mourina Sweet, Secretary, stated that if there are no comments or changes, this report stands as presented.

—See scheduled events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones.
—The Auto Cross event went well and the club made a profit for this event of about $1000. It was suggested that the Auto Cross committee have a wrap up meeting to discuss any problems/changes and improvements for next year.
—Butch invited everyone to the club picnic 10/20/2024. The club provides burgers, brats, hot dogs, buns and condiments. He asked that anyone attending bring a covered dish to pass.
—The annual fall color run will be 10/27/2024, led by Rich Anderson.
—The annual Christmas party will be at the Par-A-Dice on Dec 7, 2024. The price is $42 per person. Price includes tax and tip. Cocktails at 5:00 – Dinner at 6:00. Please sign up if you are attending. Payment is due at the November meeting or you can mail a check to Lisa Jones, 5621 W Chippewa Ct, Peoria, IL 61607, payable to MICC.

Governor’s report:
—Jim Redmond stated that he attended the Governor’s meeting. He informed us that there are 26 clubs in the Midwest region with 2194 members. The NCCC has a total of 234 clubs with 17,815 members. California clubs will be joining the NCCC.
—The Midwest region of NCCC will be hosting the annual convention in Wisconsin Dells on 08/16/2024. NCCC convention planning committee wants a zoom meeting in January with MICC. The committee needs volunteers from Midwest clubs to work at the convention. Please send Jim your e-mail address if you are interested in volunteering and want to be included in the zoom meeting in January.
—Jim informed us that there are 10 scholastic scholarships available for NCCC members children or grandchildren. Forms are available on the NCCC website.
——Jim stated that the NCCC still has not made treasurer’s report available. Apparently the current NCCC treasurer is having problems with the NCCC computer system. They have a new treasurer, who will hopefully sort out the problems and have a report for the next NCCC meeting.
—For those interested, the Blue Bars magazine is on the NCCC website.

Visitors and New members to MICC:
—Vicky Rupert and Ken Wisch who own a 2024 C8 convertible joined our meeting tonight as 2nd time visitors and were voted in as new members.
—Spotlight on Members: In Lisa Jones absence, Moe Sweet expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in October 2024. Moe acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized.

Old Business:
—As previously discussed, it was decided that MICC will have a sidewalk flag made to use at club events at a cost of $250. Mary Anderson designed the flag and it looks amazing. Thank you, Mary.
—2025 MICC officers were announced at this meeting.
Glen Goggins is the new Governor replacing Jim Redmond.
Rich Anderson is the new President replacing Lori Redmond.
Mourina Sweet will continue as Secretary.

The term of office is 2 years.

New Business: None at this meeting
50/50: Winner was Pat Kubon. She generously donated her winnings to Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund. Thank you, Pat!
Trivia: The trivia question for tonight was not answered correctly.
Feedback: The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club, activities, events, guest speakers, etc. please contact Lori.

Adjournment: At 6:58 PM, President Lori Redmond stated that if there is nothing further to discuss at this meeting, the meeting is adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

Sept 9, 2024

— Sept 9, 2024 meeting was called to order by club president Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 34 members were present. We had 2 guests at tonight’s meeting. Club President Redmond welcomed everyone to the meeting.

— Mike Durham highlighted the trip to Corvette Caravan 2025. There were 125 ‘local’ cars that participated…WI, IL, MI, IA. All states were represented with 340 cars total, including Canada.
There was a tour of the Corvette Museum. Mike said they produce 188 cars per day in a variety of colors. Mike said he had the opportunity to meet Ken Lingenfelter while they were standing in line to register.
— Roger Stone spoke about owning a 1968 White Convertible that he is trying to keep as original as possible. When he bought it the suspension and tires had not been changed, so it rode pretty rough and there was a leak which caused him to have to replace the insulation and carpet. Owning an older Corvette and a newer Corvette makes him appreciate the love people have for their Corvettes.
It was mentioned that the Detail Peoria event raised $5783.67 for St Jude.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. Lisa Jones, Treasurer, stated that if there are no comments or changes, this report stands as presented.

Secretary’s report:
— Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. Mourina Sweet, Secretary, stated that if there are no comments or changes, this report stands as presented.

—S ee scheduled events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones. Also check out our website for a complete list of upcoming activities.
— Oct 5,6 and 7 – Autocross at Avanti’s Dome; Oct 13, 2024; Oct 22, 2024 MICC club picnic at Timberlake Club.
— Al Kubon mentioned that MICC attended the LeClaire, IA Vettes for Vets event and won the plaque for the club with most cars in attendance.

Governor’s report: None at this meeting

Visitors and New members to MICC:
— Vicky Rupert joined us tonight as a first time visitor. She drives a 2024 Corvette. She is retired from GPSD and lives in Elmwood.
John Wisener who owns a 1965 and a 2024 Corvette was voted in as a new member tonight. Welcome John.

Spotlight on Members: Lori Redmond expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in 2024.

Old Business:
—Lori Redmond called for nominations from the floor for President, Governor and Secretary for 2025. There were none. The nominating committee will present their slate of officer at the October meeting.

New Business:
— Lori Redmond is researching options for a standing club flag to be displayed at events the club attends. Mary Anderson is working on a design for the flag.
— 50/50: Winner was Mary Brown. She generously donated her winnings to Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund. Thank you, Mary!
— Trivia: The trivia question for tonight was answered correctly by Pat Kubon.
— Feedback: The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club, activities, events, guest speakers, etc. please contact Lori.

—At 6:50 PM, President Lori Redmond stated that if there is nothing further to discuss at this meeting, the meeting is adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

August 12, 2024

-The August 12,2024 meeting was called to order by club president Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 36 members were present. We had no guests at tonight’s meeting. Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the meeting.

-Rich Anderson presented a check from the proceeds of our car show in June, in the amount of $5000, to Jillian Plunkett from the St Jude Office in Peoria, IL.
-The club watched a short video from Detail Peoria regarding their Aug 17, 2024 car show. The car show will include car detailing info, music, food, and Fun on The Run attraction for kids.
-Ken Miller from Uftring Chevrolet in Washington spoke to the club about warranty insurance when purchasing a new or used car. If you want information, please see Ken.
-Connie Durham shared pictures from the West Peoria 4th of July parade.
-Robin Jones shared pictures of the August 10th Black Dog event in Lincolnshire, IL.
-Glen Goggins shared some comments about his trip to Road America held at Elkhart Lake.
-Jim Redmond reminded the club that he still needs volunteers and participants for the Auto Cross, Oct 4, 5, and 6, 2024 at the Avanti Dome location in Pekin Il. See Jim to sign up to participate or to volunteer to help with events. The price to participate is the same as last year.
-Lori stated that at the November club meeting, in honor of Veteran’s Day, she would like to have our veterans stand to be recognized and share a story about their time in the military. Be thinking about what you would like to share and thank you for your service.

Treasurer’s report:
-The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. None opposed.

Secretary’s report:
-Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. None opposed.

See scheduled events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones.

Governor’s report: None at this meeting

Visitors and New members to MICC: None at this meeting.

Spotlight on Members:
-Lori Redmond expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in 2024. Lisa Jones acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized.

Old Business:
-Nominations for the coming election of officers was discussed. Glen Goggins and Bruce Adamson are the volunteers for the nominating committee. Nominations were taken from the floor. Ed Lamoureux was not present at this meeting, but a nomination came from the floor for him to take the seat as the secretary. Glen Goggins was nominated to fill the governor’s seat and he accepted the nomination. Therefore, Glen recused himself from the nominating committee. Jim Redmond, who is not running for office, stepped up to take Glen’s spot on the nominating committee. There were no further nominations from the floor.

New Business: There was no new business discussed at tonight’s meeting.
-50/50: Winner was Mary Brown. Mary generously donated her winnings to Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund.
-Trivia: The trivia question for tonight was not answered correctly.
-Feedback: The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club, activities, events, guest speakers, etc. please contact Lori.

Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 PM, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

July 8, 2024

—The July 8, 2024 meeting was called to order by club president Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 34 members were present. We had 2 guests tonight, Jan and Diane Holloman and Doug Diefenbach. Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the meeting.

—Gary Uftring spoke of the recent passing of club member Ray Fauber. Ray was a great American, business man and family man. Ray often advised Gary on business matters. Ray and Gary had a long time personal and business relationship. Gary spoke of Ray’s wife Eleanor, and what a lovely woman she was with interests in show horses, show dogs and raising her family. Gary thanked John and Connie Haase for their long time kindness and friendship with Ray, especially during Ray’s last months. Ray’s visitation will be 7/19/2024 @ Mason White Funeral Home in Washington, Il, from 3-6PM.

—Dan Gove spoke about the Autobahn Country Club in Southwest Joliet. IL. This is not a golf club but a sports car race track. They race mostly Porsche and BMW. Dan’s is the only Corvette. Dan took possession of his 2024 Corvette before the meeting tonight. Dan told us his new corvette is not yet race track ready. It needs a blower and a turbo charger.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. None opposed.

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. None opposed.

—See printed schedule of events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones. Events are also listed on the MICC web site calendar. Please check the web site often.

Governor’s report: None at this meeting

Visitors and New members to MICC:
—Jay & Diane Holloman, who own a 2017 Stingray Z51 joined our meeting tonight as visitors. Welcome to the Hollomans. Thanks you for joining us.

—Doug Diefenbach who drives a 95 C4 was voted in as a new member tonight. Welcome Doug. We hope you enjoy the club.

Spotlight on Members:
—Lisa Jones expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in July 2024. Lisa acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized.

Old Business:
—Lori asked for two volunteers to help Glen Goggins and Bruce Adamson with the nominating committee. Seats to be filled are President, Governor and Secretary. If you want to sit on the board, please let Bruce or Glen know.

New Business: None tonight.

50/50: Winner :Rich Anderson.

Trivia: The trivia question for tonight was not answered correctly.

The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club, activities, events, guest speakers, etc. please contact President Lori Redmond.

Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 PM, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

June 10, 2024

—The June 10, 2024 meeting was called to order by club president Lori Redmond at 6:08 PM. We had one guest at tonight’s meeting. Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the meeting.

—Bethany Brooker Bloomington Gold addressed the club. She spoke about the Bloomington Gold Corvette USA event to be held @ Illinois State University, Bloomington, IL on June 21-22, 2024: Return of the Gold Tour with gala, indoor and outdoor vendors, club parking with giveaways, beer garden with music, used car dealers and more. Tickets are on sale at BloomingtonGold.com for the Thurs night gala-$20 per person.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. None opposed.

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to members. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. None opposed.

**Rich Anderson added, at this (July 8, 2024) meeting, that he made a motion at the June meeting which did not appear in the June minutes. His motion was to increase the amount of our annual donation to the St Jude Drive from the amount raised at the car show ($3167.71) to $5000. We have sufficient funds in the treasury to do so”. The motion was seconded and approved by a show of hands of those present at the meeting.

—See scheduled events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones. Please sign up for the July 4, 2024 West Peoria parade; July 7, 2024 for the Brotherton Museum Tour in Pekin, IL at the old Franklin School; reservations are now open for LeClaire, IA Vettes on the River event.

Governor’s report:
—No formal report; Jim Redmond made informational comments at this meeting:
—Jim Redmond stated that the raise in NCCC dues has not yet been voted on.
—Jim told the membership that the Quincy club will not be renting our trailer this year for their event.
—He also told the club that there is a need for 2 pop up tents for the Auto Cross event. He can get them at Sam’s Club for $100 each.
—Rich Anderson made a motion that the club invest in the pop-up tents. Glen Goggins seconded the motion. Members present voted unanimously that the club purchase the tents.

Visitors and New members to MICC:
—Our visitor tonight was Doug Diefenbaugh. Doug lives in Morton and drives a 1995 C4 Corvette.

Spotlight on Members:
—President Lori expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in 2024. Lisa Jones acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized. Lisa also mentioned that the club needs new pictures of those members who have purchased new Corvettes or traded their old ones.

Old Business:
——Rich Anderson stated that we had less than 80 cars at our car show this year…the weather was horrible! However, that was not a bad turn out considering the rainy weather. Rich acknowledged club members that won trophies at the show. Dollar amounts raised are still being tabulated. Lisa should have a final total at the July meeting. Rich asked for suggestions/ideas for next year’s car show. If you have anything, please e-mail them to Butch Kubon or to the club e-mail.

New Business:
—Some officer terms are being completed at the end of the year. Offices to be filled are President, Governor and Secretary. Lori asked for volunteers for the 2024 nominating committee. Glen Goggins volunteered. Glen will need some help contacting members, please step up and volunteer to help Glen. Anyone interested in filling one of the open positions, please let Lori or Glen know.

—Winner was Pat Kubon. She generously donated her winnings to Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund. Thank you, Pat!!

—The trivia question for tonight was correctly answered by Trish Honey. Congratulations Trish!

—Bloomington Gold provided prizes to club members via a drawing. Butch Kubon received a Bloomington Gold cap, Bob Williams received a Bloomington God cap and Jack Mooberry received two admission tickets. Congratulations winners!

—Gary Uftring briefly spoke to the membership. He stated that he is very proud of Mid Illinois Corvette Club and the professional way they handle themselves. He is happy to sponsor and be affiliated with this club. Thank you Gary for all you do for us!

The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club, activities, events, guest speakers, etc. please contact Lori.

—A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 PM, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

May 13, 2024

—The May 13, 2024 meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:10 PM. We had no guests at tonight’s meeting. President Redmond welcomed everyone.
Program: None

Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting.
—A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. None opposed.

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website.
—A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. None opposed.

—See scheduled events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones. Some highlights:
—June 15 – Northwoods Community Church Cruise-In
—June 22 Autobahn Black Dog Event Joliet, IL
—July 4th – West Peoria Parade
—Sign up for “Vettes on the River” in LeClaire IA opens June 1st.
Governor’s report:
—Jim Redmond high-lighted his report.

Spotlight on Members: President Redmond expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in May 2024. Lisa Jones acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized.
—Jess Knight picked up his new 2024 Sting-Ray at Bowling Green this week. Congratulations to the Knights!

Old Business: Rich Anderson reminded everyone that the MICC Car Show is June 1st. There are sign up sheets for volunteers at the front table. There will be a food truck available for sandwiches. We will have soda and water available for purchase. Reminder: Corvettes will be parked in the upper level lot.

New Business: None discussed at this meeting.
—50/50: Winner was Rick and Mary Brown who generously donated their winnings to Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund. Thank you Browns.
—Trivia: The trivia question for tonight was not answered correctly.
—Feedback: The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club: activities, events, guest speakers, etc. – please contact Lori.
—Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 PM, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

April 8, 2024

—The April 8, 2024 meeting was called to order, and welcome, by club President Lori Redmond at 6:00 PM. 28 members were present. We had no guests at tonight’s meeting.

—Club member, Scott Smith of Detail Peoria spoke to the club about detailing their Corvettes and invited the club to his shop in Peoria for an open house on April 20 2024 for a demonstration on how to properly detail a Corvette. Detail Peoria is also sponsoring a cruise-in August 20, 2024 at Sluggers Compound in Peoria. Scott invited the club to participate.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a unanimous show of hands.
—Lisa Jones reviewed the 2024 proposed budget. A motion was made and seconded by a show of hands to approve the proposed 2024 budget as presented. There were none opposed.

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a unanimous show of hands.

—Butch Kubon went over upcoming activities. He stated that we need volunteer workers for the car show on June 1, 2024. There are sign up sheets at the front table. Please sign up to help. There are lots of places for you to work.
—See scheduled events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones.

Governor’s report:
—Jim Redmond was not able to attend the last two meetings as Lori had surgery. Jim informed the club that there is a rumor that NCCC may be raising their membership fees due to rising costs of insurance and the price of publishing the Blue Bars magazine has increased, plus travel costs of NCCC board members has increased. The increase may only be a few dollars.
—The NCCC convention is in Joplin, MO this year on May 13-19, 2024. Rooms are available for $125 per night.

Visitors and New members to MICC:

—None at this meeting.

Spotlight on Members:
—President Lori expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in April 2024. Lisa Jones acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized.
—Mike and Mary Brown were asked to tell us a little about themselves. Mike told us that they have been married 47 years. They currently own a 2010 Grand Sport. They have a C8 ordered and are currently 6th in line to have their new Corvette built. Congratulations!

Old Business:
The 2024 Auto Cross was discussed. Venue is still Avanti’s in Pekin. The charge for us to use their facilities will remain the same. Avanti’s will provide a concession area for the Auto Cross participants and workers.

New Business:
—Other clubs are interested in renting our auto cross trailer and equipment. It was decided that the trailer rent would be set at $200. The renting party will need to sign a waiver stating that MICC is not liable for accidents or injuries while they have our trailer and they need to provide their own insurance. It was also decided that if someone wants to rent the cones associated with the auto cross that there would be a $140 fee and they agree to return them in good condition. A motion was made and seconded regarding the above, and approved by a unanimous show of hands.
—After a review of the by-laws by the by- laws committee, it was decided that there are no changes necessary at this time. A motion was made and seconded to leave the by-laws as they are; approved by a unanimous show of hands.
—50/50: Winner was Tamara Knight and she generously donated her winnings to Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund. Thank you, Tamara!
—Trivia: Mike Allison had the correct answer to tonight’s trivia question.
—Feedback: The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club, activities, events, guest speakers, etc. please contact Lori.
Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 PM, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

March 11, 2024

—In the absence of President Lori Redmond, the meeting was called to order by club Vice President Mike Durham at 6:10 pm. 26 members were present. We had 1 guest at tonight’s meeting.

Club Vice-President Mike Durham welcomed everyone to the March 11, 2024 meeting.

—Robin Jones presented various activities planned for the club for this year. See the list of Scheduled events provided at the front table.
—Ed Lamoureux remarked that there is enough interest in visiting the Bix Biederbeck Museum in Davenport, IA to proceed with setting up the event for the club. He will have more information at the April 2024 meeting.
—Glen Goggins spoke about visiting Rankin School in Pekin – some Pekin referenced historical museum. We will need to do some research to find out where it is and what they have to offer.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed, none.

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed, none.

See scheduled events list at the front table, prepared by Butch Kubon and Robin Jones.

Governor’s report: None at this meeting

Visitors and New members to MICC: Devon Mallich who owns a 1976 C3 joined our meeting tonight as a visitor. Welcome Devon.

Spotlight on Members:
—Mike Durham and Lisa Jones expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in March 2024. Lisa Jones acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized.
—Condolences to Tamara Knight and Mindy Cloninger and their families. Their brother Troy Garner was killed, March 16, 2024, in a motorcycle accident. Condolences and sympathy cards may be sent to the addresses on the membership list.

Old Business: None discussed at this meeting

New Business:
—Lisa Jones mentioned that MICC was mentioned in an article in the recent BLUE BARS magazine published by NCCC. Lisa reminded everyone to sign up for the car show either as a participant or to work the day of the show…or BOTH.
50/50: Winner was Wendy Allison. Wendy generously donated her winnings to Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund. THANK YOU WENDY!!
Trivia: The trivia question for tonight was not answered correctly.
The club is always open to constructive suggestions. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club, activities, events, guest speakers, etc. please contact Lori.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at March 11, 2024 at 6:35 PM, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

Feb 12, 2024

—The meeting was called to order by Vice President Mike Durham, in the absence of President Lori Redmond, at 6:00 PM. 26 members were present. We had no guests at tonight’s meeting.
Vice President Mike Durham welcomed everyone to the Feb 12 2024 meeting.

— Ed Saari, Director of special events at Chula Vista Resorts was the guest speaker at tonight’s meeting. He told the Club that Chula Vista Resorts hosts the most automotive events in the Midwest. Ed talked about upcoming Corvette Adventures events, June 7-9, 2024 and how this event supports St Jude. This event has over 30 road tours this year and the ever-popular riverboat cruises are available this year. He encouraged those not signed up to do so. He even offered a prize at the end of the meeting to be drawn for free registration to the event. Drawing was won by Karen Walker.
—Ed also talked about the upcoming Corvette Caravan event, that has, in the past, had up to 700 Corvettes meeting up at the National Corvette Museum. This is a five-year event. This year’s event, in Aug, is a celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the National Corvette Museum. There are 100’s of Corvettes travelling from various states and meeting up at the Museum for the celebration.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. Dec 2023, Jan 2024 and Feb 2024 reports were given at this meeting.
—A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s reports as emailed/presented to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed, none.
—Lisa included that an audit of the books was done and everything was found to be in order!

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to members. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting.
—A correction was noted and included in the November minutes. It was incorrectly stated that Roger Stone helped Ed Lamoureux sell his Corvette. The correction is:
“Roger Stone gave Ed Lamoureux a cover and seat covers for Ed’s 1986 Corvette.” Correction accepted, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting.
—The minutes will then be posted on the club website.
—A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report as emailed including the correction, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed, none.

—Robin Jones went over lots of upcoming activities. A complete listing can be found on the website.
—Ed Lamoureux discussed the possibly of a drive out to Davenport IA to visit the Bix Beiderbecke(renowned jazz cornet & piano player) museum and archives center in Davenport, IA. He asked for a show of hands of those that might be interested. Receiving a favorable reply, Ed will pursue making arrangements for the event sometime in April 2024.

Governor’s report: There was no report tonight.

Visitors and New members to MICC: We had no visitors tonight and no new members were voted in at this meeting.

Spotlight on Members:
—Birthday and anniversary wishes were expressed to those celebrating in Feb 2024.

Old Business: None discussed at this meeting

New Business:
—Rex McMorris, one of the founding members of MICC, passed away on Jan 23, 2024. A floral arrangement was sent to Rex’s family by MICC. Condolences may be mailed to Sue and family at the address found on the membership list.
—Lori Redmond had shoulder replacement surgery. Get well wishes can be mailed to her address found on the membership list.
—50/50: Winner was Steve Barton. Steve generously donated his winnings to the Pleasant Hill School kids shoe fund. Thank you, Steve!
—Trivia: The trivia question was not correctly answered tonight.
—Feedback: Feedback is always open to constructive remarks. Any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club – anything from activities, guest speakers and events. Please contact Lori.

—A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:45, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

Nov 13, 2023
—The meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 31 members were present. We had 1 guest at tonight’s meeting. Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the November 13, 2023 meeting.

—Connie and Mike Durham spoke about a WTVP charity event called RONDO which they participated in. The event was a clued scavenger hunt that took you to different spots throughout the Peoria area. Price for participation was $100 per car. A good way to see some of Peoria’s history.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed, none

Secretary’s report:
Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed, none

—Rich Anderson let the membership know that there is a lunch at Carrigan’s Pub on November 18, 2023. The MICC Christmas Party is at The Par-A-Dice Hotel on December 2, 2023 at 5:00. Dinner buffet is $41 per person, cocktails at 5:00, buffet served at 6:00.
—Lori Redmond thanked Rich for filling that board position for the past 5 years. She introduced the new activity chairman and his assistants. Al Kubon and Randy Tangman will co-chair this position with the help of Robin Jones. Thank you (guys) for taking this board position.

Governor’s report: None at this meeting.

Visitors and New members to MICC:
—We had one visitor tonight, Scott Latham. He is retired from Caterpillar after 40 years of service. Scott was previously a Porsche owner. He currently owns a 2022 Corvette C8 351. Scott says he loves traveling in his Corvette and skiing. Scott has attended come club events and was voted in as a new member at this meeting. Welcome Scott!

Spotlight on Members:
—Lori expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in December 2023. Lisa Jones acknowledged them by name and asked them to stand so that they could be recognized.
—Lori asked the veterans in the club to stand and be recognized and thanked them for their military service. We all then stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
—Mike Durham spoke to the club about when his interest began with cars and his eventual love of the Corvette. He stated that he, like most guys became interested in cars while in high school and has been a ‘car nut’ since. Mike currently owns a 2017 white Corvette coupe that he loves tinkering with. Beautiful car.
—Ed Lamoureux publicly thank Roger & Mary Stone for giving used car cover and seat covers for Ed’s 1986 Corvette. Response to Ed’s request to club members; much appreciated.

Old Business: None

New Business:
—There will be no December 2023 MICC meeting, we will be having a Christmas party instead.

—Winner: Lisa Jones.

—Gary Uftring answered the trivia question correctly.

—President Lori Redmond reminded the club that she is always open to constructive remarks and any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club. Please contact Lori.

—A motion was made to adjourn the November 13, 2023 meeting at 6:45 PM, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

October 9, 2023
— The meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 34 members were present. We had 1 guest at tonight’s meeting.

— Club member Paul Boyd told the members present that his 2000 Le Mans blue Corvette is for sale. Please contact Paul if you are interested. He recently purchased a 2017 Z06. Paul discussed riding in a caravan guideline. Be on time, show up with a full gas tank, carry a small basic tool kit and your cell phone. He handed out print-outs of guidelines to the members present.
— Robin Jones & Mary Anderson from the Corvette Drive board presented Mid-Illinois Corvette Club with a plaque for their sponsorship of the Corvette Drive.
— Moe Sweet handed out an article about the Pleasant Hill Kids shoe shopping trip, coming up in December 2023 and answered questions. She asked for volunteers to meet the bus at Shoe Carnival to help fit shoes for 25 kids.
—Moe Sweet talked about the Hound and Hare event that will take place on Sunday Oct 15, 2023. She asked that if you sign up, please show up. She makes reservations for dinner for those that sign up. The restaurant counts on the number of people she calls in reservations for.

Treasurer’s report:
— The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed…none.

Secretary’s report:
— Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to members. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed…none.

— Rich Anderson went over the remaining activities for 2023, hound and hare, fall color run and Christmas party is about all that is left. He may plan some impromptu meet and eat events this winter, so watch for that!
— Randy Tangman asked for pictures from the Baum Chevrolet Car show in Clinton, the Auto Cross event and the Club picnic.
— Bruce Adamson is auctioning off the Corvette bar that he won at the MICC St Jude car show. Please contact Bruce if interested.

President’s remarks:
— President Lori Redmond recognized all the Auto Cross volunteers for the excellent job they did the weekend of the Auto Cross event. The event was a huge success. We made a nice profit per Jim Redmond. Participants are excited to come back next year. That date is set for October 6, 2024. She also thanked the Car Club picnic committee for a wonderful picnic at Timberlake Club.

Governor’s report: None

Visitors and New members to MICC:
— Mark DeSantis was voted in as a new member tonight. Welcome Mark!

Spotlight on Members:
—Lori expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in October 2023. Randy Tangman is celebrating 49 years at Caterpillar. Congratulations Randy!!
— Roger Stone introduced himself and his wife Mary (50 years together) to the membership. Roger is an original member of MICC.
Born in Tampa, FL, his family moved to Toulon, IL in 1947, and then moved to Bartonville in 1952.
Roger bought his first Corvette in 1992, a 1968 white coupe, which he lovingly restored over several years.
He currently drives a 1993 Aqua Metallic Coupe. Roger is the kind of guy that does a lot on his own. If he has a project that he thinks he needs help with but can’t find someone to help him, he will just do it himself. He recently needed help replacing the windshield in his 1968 Corvette. He could not find someone to install it for him (no one was willing to take a chance on his special car) … so he just did it himself.
Roger is always willing to lend a hand where and when he can. He is the self-proclaimed, much appreciated, handy man in the mobile home park where they spend their winters in Florida.
Roger said his favorite trip over one summer was traveling 5100 miles on his motorcycle. He and Mary have had lots of fun with MICC over the years. He stated the more involved you are, the more fun you will have. He encouraged everyone to serve on a committee or the board and participate in the activities. ’You will meet a lot of great people!

Old Business:
—Officer Elections: Positions open for nomination for MICC officers are Vice president, Treasurer, Activities chairman and Membership chairman. There were no ballots prepared as there was only one volunteer to fill each open position. Mike Durham will continue as Vice-President; Lisa Jones will continue as Treasurer; Al Kubon, with the assistance of Randy Tangman and Robin Jones, will serve as activities chairman and Tracy Adamson will continue as Membership chairman. A motion was made and seconded to accept the new officers, approved by a show of hands of the membership present, none opposed.

New Business: None

—50/50: Winner was Rick Brown. Rick donated his winnings to the shoe fund. Thank you, Rick!
—Trivia: Trivia question was not answered correctly.

—President Lori Redmond reminded the club that she is always open to constructive remarks and any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club. Please contact Lori.

— A motion was made to adjourn the October 2023 meeting, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting at 7:03 PM. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

Sept 11, 2023

—The Sept 11, 2023 meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 42 members were present. We had 1 guest at tonight’s meeting. Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the Sept 11, 2023 meeting.

—Clint Summers from Uftring, Washington spoke to the membership regarding the discount that is offered to MICC members when using Uftring services. Wholesale pricing is offered on GM parts. Percentage of discounts vary because Uftring product markup varies. Let your service advisor know that you are a member of MICC to receive your discount. Uftring will also match tire prices from other vendors.

Treasurer’s report:
—The Treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed…none.

Secretary’s report:
Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report as presented, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed…none.

—Rich Anderson went over upcoming events. All activities are posted on the club website. Members are encouraged to visit the website on a regular basis to stay informed of upcoming events. There is also a printed copy of events at the check in table at the monthly meetings.
—Jim Redmond told the membership that the MICC auto cross event – Sept 29, 30 and Oct 1 2023 – is a go. We currently have 20 competitors and 14 volunteers to work the event. Jim can always use more volunteers! It takes a lot of people to make this a successful event. Please talk to Jim if you’re interested in helping with this 3-day event. You can work 1 day or all 3 or just a few hours if you are available.

Governor’s report:
—Jim Redmond attended the Governor’s Sept 2023 meeting. He stated that the regional finances are in order. Next year’s NCCC convention will be in Joplin, MO, May 11-19, 2024. He also reported that the Treasurer position and the Business Manager positions are open for the Regional Board. If anyone would like to sit on the Regional Board, let Jim know and he can get you the information.

—Visitors and New members to MICC: Mark DeSantis visited our meeting tonight; Mark owns a 1973 convertible and a 2014 Z51 7 speed. Mark told us his favorite vacation in his 2014 Corvette was to Diamond Crater State Park. Thank you for joining us. We hope you enjoyed the meeting.

—Spotlight on Members: *Lori expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in Sept 2023. In an effort to get everyone to meet each other, new members and old, Lori asked that the member make a circle of chairs and introduce themselves to the persons sitting next to them.

—Lisa Jones asked those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries to stand up and be recognized…a great way to associate a name with a face. Thank you, Lisa. [Webmaster’s note: Ed Lamoureux, 9-11-53, was in Canada during the meeting].

—Lori asked Gary Uftring to stand and tell us a little about himself. Gary told us he was born in Washington, IL, grew up in the Flanagan, Minonk, Dana-Rutland area on a farm. He told us that all he ever wanted to do was be a ‘car guy.’ He started washing cars for a local dealership at 13 years old. From there he took jobs at the dealership until he became a car salesman. And the rest is history. He now owns 8 dealerships and supports 400-500 employees. You could say that Gary is quite the accomplished “car guy.”

—Gary told the membership that the next generation of Corvette will be known as the Z-Ray.

—In honor of 911, Lori Redmond asked for 11 seconds of silence.

Old Business:
—None discussed

New Business:
—None discussed

—50/50: Winner of $30 was Tracy Adamson.

—Trivia: John Haase answered the trivia question correctly.

—Feedback: President Lori Redmond reminded the club that she is always open to constructive remarks and any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club. Please contact Lori.

—A motion was made to adjourn the Sept 11, 2023 meeting, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting at 7:05 PM. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

August 14, 2023 

—The meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:00 PM. 39 members were present. We had 6 guest(s) at tonight’s meeting. 
—Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the August 14, 2023 meeting. 

—Jillian Plunkett from the ALSAC/St Jude office attended the meeting and gave a brief history of St Jude Research Hospital and was happy to accept the check from the proceeds of the charity car show. Rich Anderson presented her a check for St Jude in the amount of $5660.42. 

Bruce Adamson gave a presentation about his 1965 Corvette and showed picture albums of the restoration from beginning to end. He and his wife Tracy inherited the Corvette from Tracy’s folks in 1991 and brought it from Ohio to Illinois where he started the renovation that took 7 years to complete. Beautiful car! 

President’s comments: President Lori Redmond commented on MICC 30th anniversary party. She thanked the anniversary party committee and Gary Uftring for being so supportive of the club since its inception. 

—Lori also thanked the nominating committee for making phone calls and recommendations to fill open board seats. Seats on the board available this year include vice president, treasurer, membership and activities. If you are interested in holding one of these seats, please contact Lori Redmond. 

—Tracy Adamson reminded the members that she will begin accepting 2024 membership dues at the Sept 2024 meeting. She needs to submit dues to NCCC in November. After that time anyone not paid will be charged a penalty. 

Treasurer’s report: 
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed, none. 

Secretary’s report
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed none. 

Rich Anderson went over upcoming activities. Rich told the membership that member Dan Gove put on an event with Black Dog Racing and that event raised $6000 for St Jude. Thank you Dan and the people at Black Dog. 

REMINDER: the MICC club picnic is planned for October 8, 2024 at Timberlake Club, please remember to sign up at the September meeting! 

—October 15, 2024 is the Hound and Hare event. Please remember to sign up at the September meeting. We will need a head count for the event and dinner after. 

—Please check the website for further upcoming events. 

Governor’s report:
Jim Redmond stated that he still needs volunteers for the auto cross, Sept 30, 31 and Oct 1, 2023. (starters, inspectors and corner workers). Please contact Jim Redmond to volunteer. 

Visitors to MICC tonight included:
—David and Sally Freeman who own a silver 2019 Z06; David & Christina Wilson who own a blue Z8; Michelle Reese who owns a 1991 Corvette; and Pat Ring who owns a Mocha color 2023 Z51. 

Spotlight on Members

Lori expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in August 2023. 

New Business:
Tom Stanesa stood to tell a funny story about getting out of a speeding ticket (in excess of 100 mph) when he first got his got his 2021 ZR1. Tom thought he was safe travelling back roads and decided to open it up a little. Well, there was a police officer on that same road. The police officer was quite interested in Tom’s car and a very friendly discussion ensued. The officer was impressed with the car and, obviously Tom as well, because Tom only received a ticket for driving 40 over the speed limit. Tom’s story was very funny. 

Old Business:
Bruce Adamson asked that the nominating committee meet to discuss 2023 board of director nominees. 

—Winner of $43 was Mike Durham. Mike donated his winnings to St Jude. 

—There was no winner tonight. 

President Lori Redmond reminded the club that she is always open to constructive remarks and any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club. Please contact Lori. 

—A motion was made to adjourn the August 14, 2023 meeting at 7:05 PM, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. Meeting Adjourned. 

Respectfully submitted, 
Mourina Sweet, Secretary 

July 10, 2023

—The meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 38 members were present. We had 3 guest(s) at tonight’s meeting.Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the July 10 meeting. The meeting was called to order at 6:03.

—Uftring car care specialist, Rick Wolfe gave several helpful tips on how to take care of our Corvettes.
— —Use Maguiar’s cleaning wax and a micro-fiber cloth every 6 months. Rick suggested that you do not use clay bars on your corvette, they cause scratches. For black plastic parts on your car, use a Mr Clean magic eraser or a soft tooth brush with soap and water. Use white vinegar and water- 50/50 mix- in a spray bottle for water spots…steel wool 4.0 will remove water spots from windows, mirrors and chrome. Never wash your car in the sunlight, do not use well water, — do not hydrogen peroxide to clean bugs off, if it runs it will discolor the plastic. Take your car to the car wash to remove tree sap. Clean the interior with a wet wash cloth and a make-up brush with a good quality car wash soap. Don’t use armor all on the interior…will discolor the interior. Clean brake dust off tires immediately. Rick was very informative and very willing to answer questions.
— —FYI: Uftring charges $190 for an exterior detailing for Corvettes. Price vary for other makes.

President’s comments:
— Lori thanked Rick for his very informative presentation.
— Lori extended birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in July.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting.
—A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed…None

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website.
—A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed…None

—In the absence of Activities chairman Rich Anderson, Robin Jones went over upcoming activities. Please see the website for a complete list of activities.

Governor’s report:
Governor Jim Redmond went over the details of the upcoming motor cross.

Visitors and New members to MICC:
— Visitors tonight were Trish Honey who drives a 2017 Sting Ray, Kevin Thornberry who drives a 2004 Silver Coupe and first time visitor Jeff Eaton drives a 2008 Red Coupe.
— Trish Honey was voted in tonight as a new member. Welcome Trish!
Spotlight on Members:
— President Lori asked that the membership send her some information about themselves that they would not mind sharing. She wants to try a segment at the meeting called “Who R U”. Lori will read the shared information, without giving the member’s name to see if anyone can tell who it is.

New Business: None discussed at this meeting.

Old Business: None discussed at this meeting.

— Winner of $32.50 was Mark Schatsiek. Mark generously donated his winnings to St Jude.

— Jess Knight answered the Trivia question correctly.

— President Lori Redmond reminded the club that she is always open to constructive remarks and any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club. Please contact Lori.

— A motion was made to adjourn the July 10, 2023 meeting, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting at 7:00 PM. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary
Mid-Illinois Corvette Club,

June 12, 2023

—The meeting was called to order by club Vice President Mike Durham at 6:00 PM. 36 members were present. We had 3 guest(s) at tonight’s meeting. Club Vice-President Mike Durham welcomed everyone to the June 12, 2023 meeting in President Lori Redmond’s absence.

—Rich Anderson thanked everyone who helped with the car show … anyone that collected goody bag-stuffers, raffle items, silent auction items, helped set up before and tear down after the show, those who parked cars, sold raffle tickets and food and drink; whatever needed to be done. We had a great crew again this year! Rich also thanked Gary Uftring for providing the venue every year for the car show and for everything he does for Mid-Illinois Corvette Club.
The DJ commented on how well run the show was and she would be happy to come back next year.
—Mark Schatsiek won a first place trophy at the car show for his 2000 white coupe.
—Gary Uftring in turn thanked the club officers and membership for their service to the community and in particular for their commitment to St Jude. He recognized that the car show is a tremendous amount of worked and applauded the club for our ongoing determination to make this a great fund raiser for St Jude.

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed….None.

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed…None

—Rich Anderson went over upcoming activities. An activities list is posted on the club website. Members are encouraged to read the list so they are aware of events happening.

Governor’s report: None tonight

Visitors and New members to MICC are:
—Trish Honey who drives 2017 Sting Ray was a visitor tonight. Happy to have you as a visitor.
—Lindell and Janet Miller who drive a 2022 Red Corvette, were voted in as new members tonight. Welcome Millers.

Spotlight on Members:
—VP Mike Durham expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in June 2023.
Condolences to Harry and Moe Sweet in the loss of their son in April.
Condolences to Karen and Johnny Walker. Karen’s 96 year old aunt passed away in May.

Old Business: None discussed

New Business:
—It is time for elections of club officers! Positions available for the 2024 season are Vice President, Treasurer, Activities chairman, and Membership chairman. VP Mike Durham asked for volunteers for the nominating committee. Bruce Adamson and Rich Anderson volunteered. Two more volunteers to sit on the committee are needed. All you have to do is call members to see if they are interested in filling the board positions for a two year term. EASY!
—50/50: Winner was Mark Schatsiek and he donated his winnings back to St Jude. Thank you Mark!
—Trivia: No winner tonight
—Feedback: President Lori Redmond is always open to constructive remarks and any suggestions that you might have to help improve the club. Please Contact Lori.

—A motion was made to adjourn the June 12 2023 meeting, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting at 6:35 PM. Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary
Mid-Illinois Corvette Club,

May 8, 2023
The meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 42 members were present. We had 3 guest(s). Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the May 8, 2023 meeting.

—Jim Redmond advised the membership that he has secured Avanti’s Dome grounds in Pekin, IL for the upcoming Auto Cross event, Sept 31 and Oct 1. Bruce Adamson will help Jim lay out the course. Jim asked for club participation in the event. We will need lots of manpower the days of the event and participation in the actual auto cross event is strongly encouraged to make the event successful. Jim stated that we still need 2 more sanctions for this event. He is hopeful that another club will donate those sanctions to our club.

President’s comments:—President Lori requested participation in all events and asked for suggestions from the membership for events they would like to see, programs they would like to see i.e. speakers, activities, etc.

Treasurer’s report:
The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed….None

Secretary’s report:
Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to members. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed…None

—Rich Anderson went over upcoming activities. Rich has decided to begin sending a monthly activities list by e-mail as our activities change regularly. Please be sure to check your e-mail often.
—Rich talked briefly about the Peoria Detail car show that was held at Sue & Scott Smith’s place of business. There were approximately 50 cars at the show and they raised $2000 that they donated to St Jude Corvette Drive.
—Rich reminded the membership that the St Jude Corvette Drive leaves from Uftring on May 18, 2023 @ 7:00 AM. There will be a total of 90 Corvettes when the satellite rides join our club and other drivers in Dyersburg, TN.

Governor’s report:
—Jim Redmond attended the Regional Governors’ meeting and reported that the NCCC membership has increased by 700.—Jim also stated that the Region has allotted $4000 for gold rings for racing rewards this year.
—Liability waivers for events that involve travel need to be signed by the participant and witnessed and initialed by the person hosting the event. Each participant must sign! A wife cannot sign for a husband or partner or vice versa.
—If you have a change of address, please notify Blue Bars. Magazines are being returned for incorrect addresses…costly.
—2023 NCCC convention …Bowling Green, KY at the National Corvette Museum 2024 NCCC convention…Joplin, MO—2025 NCCC convention…New York
Visitors and New members to MICC are:
—Lindell and Janet Miller joined our meeting tonight as visitors. They drive a 2022 Red Corvette Craig Kilby was voted in as a new member at tonight’s meeting. Craig drives a 2021 white C8.

Spotlight on Members:
—President Redmond expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in May 2023.

Old Business: None discussed

New Business:
—Gary Uftring spoke to the club. He told us that he would have some cars featured in the Meacham auto auction on Fri & Sat in Indianapolis.
—He stated that the Corvette is as popular as ever and he has 40 customers waiting for new Corvettes.
—Gary was at a meeting recently where he heard about the plans that OSF has for a new medical facility for cancer patients right here in Peoria. He took a tour of the city and feels Peoria is a city to be proud of, he stated that we all need to be positive and promote Peoria.
—50/50: Winner of $…none tonight Trivia: Winner of $…none tonight

—President Redmond reminded the club that she is always open to constructive remarks and any suggestions that you might have to help us improve the club. Please contact Lori.

—A motion was made to adjourn the May 8, 2023 meeting, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting at 6:58 PM. Meeting Adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary Mid-Illinois Corvette Club

APRIL 11, 2023

-The April 11, 2023 meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 39 members were present. We had 3 guests at tonight’s meeting. Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the April 11, 2023 meeting.

—Brian Eichorn briefly spoke about the upcoming Auto Cross event and some of the safety rules to be aware of. He stated that a competition manual/ full set of rules is on the NCCC website and encouraged those that are participating auto cross events, to read that information.
—Robin Jones spoke about the origination of the St Jude Corvette Drive. He stated that there will be a total of 89 Corvettes participating this Year. Thus far the Drive has raised $1.9 million dollars.
—President’s comments: Lori stated that she would like to see more members get their grand children enrolled in FCOA (Future Corvette Owners of America.)

Treasurer’s report:
—The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site. Members are encouraged to read the Treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. All opposed – none

Secretary’s report:
—Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member. Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website. A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. Opposed-none.

—Rich Anderson went over upcoming events. Sat Apr 15, 2023, club members Scott and Sue Smith, owners of Detail Peoria are hosting a car show at their place of business from 10:00 until 2:00.
Rich stated that he is working on a drive out for the 29th or 30th of April. He will send out an email to all.

—Rich also reminded the membership that MICC car show is Sat June 3rd at Uftring’s. Volunteers are still needed, If you have raffle items, goody bag stuffers, silent auction items, we need them as soon as possible. You can call Moe (phone # on membership list) and she will make arrangements to pick them up. You can also bring them to the May meeting so we can sort them into categories or put them in the goody bags.

Governor’s report:

Visitors to MICC are:
-—Jason Davis who owns a 1976 Corvette, Phil Filante who owns a C8 and Scott Williams – did not hear what he drives. My apologies.

Spotlight on Members:
—Lori expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in April 2023.
— Pat Kubon stated that her granddaughter is making St Jude bracelets to sell for $10. Proceeds will be donated to St Jude. See Pat if you are interested. Bracelets are really cute!

New Business:
—Lori and Lisa Jones presented the proposed budget for 2023. A motion was made and seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting to accept the new budget. Opposed – none.

Old Business:
—Jim Redmond advised the membership that he has secured the Dome outdoor facility in Pekin for the MICC Auto Cross event on Sat Sept 30 and Sun Oct 1, 2023. The paved parking lot will be reserved for the event. He stated that concessions, restrooms and fire extinguishers will be available for event usage. Golf carts and gators will not be necessary. There are hotels and restaurants close to the Dome!

—Jim also checked on insurance for the club’s enclosed trailer. He advised one year’s full coverage insurance for the trailer would be $450. However, if he pulls the trailer with his vehicle, his vehicle insurance coverage extends to the trailer. Jim stated that he is willing to take the trailer wherever it needs to go.

50/50: Winner of $21 was Lisa Jones
Trivia: There was no winner at this meeting.

—President, Lori Redmond requested feedback from tonight’s meeting, comments regarding the meeting, activities that you would like to see the club participate in, suggestions, constructive criticism, are all appreciated. Would you like to have outside speakers, who would you like to hear from?

—Hands of those in attendance. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

March 13, 2023

-The March 2023 meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 29 members were present.
-We had 2 guests at tonight’s meeting, Mark Schatsiek and Craig Kilby.
-Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the March 2023 meeting.

-Phyllis Pariano and Luke Rosenbohm attended our meeting to educate us a little and collect a donation check for the Greater Peoria Honor Flight. Phyllis, Mary Dunaway and Margaret Williams are founders of the Honor Flight. Growing up Phyllis was taught to honor the brave veterans of America who fought to serve our country and uphold our freedom. Although not serving in the military, she wanted to do something special for veterans. This is her way of serving our country. She and her many volunteers, Luke being one of them, work tirelessly to make Honor Flight day very special for those that are able to make the trip. School children have even held fund raising events and donated $400,000 to this organization. They have had 1500 veterans participate in the past and have a current waiting list of 1000, one of them being a 98 year old WWII veteran.
Thank you Phyllis and Luke and the many volunteers that make this happen.
-Club Treasurer, Lisa Jones presented them with a check for $500.
-Jillian Plunkett from the St Jude Office, Ron Kirby, St Jude Drive board member, and Robin Jones, also a St Jude Drive board member gave a presentation about the St Jude Drive. Jillian spoke about the history of St Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the progress in treating cancer in children and how the funds raised are being used for research, etc. Ron spoke to us about how important it is to continue our mission in helping to eradicate childhood cancer with emphasis on fund raising to make that happen. He encouraged everyone to participate in the St Jude Corvette Drive. Robin also encouraged all to participate in the St Jude Drive and experience this event firsthand. He told those present he has photo albums of the past ten years drives to share with those interested. If anyone needs further information, please contact Jillian at the St Jude office or any of the St Jude Drive board members.
-Harry Sweet spoke to the club tonight about Mid-Illinois Corvette Club’s origination; how a group of guys got together and tossed around some ideas in 1993. Many meetings ensued and Gray Uftring was asked to be the official sponsor of Mid-Illinois Corvette Club. Gary agreed and has been sponsoring our club for 30 years, letting us use his facilities for meetings and our St Jude car show. The first IL State filing show the club was officially formed on May 17, 1993. We are celebrating 30 years this year. Many thanks to Gary Uftring, John Haase, our club liaison with Uftring’s, and Joe Knapp for their continuing support.

Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. It is not posted on the web site.
-Members are encouraged to read the treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Lisa also goes over the report at the meeting.
-A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. Opposed, none.

Secretary’s report: Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to members.
-Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes, or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website.
-A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s report, seconded, and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. Opposed, none.

-President Lori Redmond expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in March 2023.

-Rich Anderson went over the list of upcoming activities.
-Rich stated that funds raised through the club for St Jude are donated to the St Jude Drive rather than sending a check to the hospital. This gives the club more exposure as a donating entity to St Jude.
-Rich asked if the membership would like to have a copy of the activities list e-mailed to them; they can print their own copy and have it available to look at other than just at meetings. Those present at the meeting voted unanimously to have the list e-mailed. Great idea Rich.
-Rich asked that if someone finds a restaurant that the club might be interested in visiting to make sure there is parking for at least 30 Corvettes and that the parking lots are not gravel and full of potholes.

Governor’s report: Jim Redmond attended the Governor’s meeting as a guest. Jim reported that after dues were paid, our Region is $2800 in debt.
-Ed Lamoureux asked what the reason was for the deficit. Jim’s reply was that regional events spend too much money on trophies and auto cross prizes. It was suggested at the NCCC meeting that only 1st place trophies be given to lower that expense and expensive jackets should be looked at to see if that could be modified.

Old Business:
A location has not yet been established for the upcoming auto-cross.

New Business:
-Lori Redmond is asking for volunteers to write small articles for the Blue Bars Magazine about Mid-Illinois Corvette Club events. See Lori if you are interested or have any suggestions.
-Jim Redmond has volunteered to take the position as MICC Governor. A motion was made, seconded and approved, unanimously, by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting; to approve the appointment of Jim Redmond as Governor of the Mid-Illinois Corvette Club. Congratulations Jim!
-Visitors: We had one visitor tonight. Craig Kilby owns a 2021 white coupe. He had his car at Uftring for servicing tonight and decided to stay for the meeting to see what MICC is all about. Welcome Craig.
-New member voted in to MICC: Mark Schatsiek owns a 2000 white coupe and has attended a couple of meetings. He decided to join the club and was voted in as a member at tonight’s meeting. Welcome Mark!
-50/50: Winner of $28 was Bob Williams. Bob generously donated his winnings to the Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund. Thank you, Bob!
-Trivia: There was no winner tonight. Correct answer to next month’s question is worth $30.
-Feedback: President Lori Redmond requested feedback from tonight’s meeting, comments regarding meeting material, activities that you would like to suggest, constructive criticism… would you like speakers..? suggestions for speakers, anything you would like to see.

Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the March 2023 meeting, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting at 7:05 PM. Opposed, none. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

February 13, 2023
-The Feb 13, 2023 meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 35 members were present.

-We had 1 guest at tonight’s meeting. Our guest tonight was Mark Schatsick. Mark owns a 2000 white coupe.
-Club President Lori Redmond welcomed everyone to the February meeting.
-Lori extended birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in February 2023.

Secretary’s report: Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to member.
Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or correction should be made at the next meeting. The minutes will then be posted on the club website.
-**Corrections to Jan 2023 minutes by Rich Anderson:
-Monthly meeting minutes are not posted to the website until they are approved by the membership at the next meeting.
-Monthly meeting minutes will be posted after changes/corrections are made and approved by the membership.
-After Rich’ corrections were noted, a motion was made to accept the minutes with corrections, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting.

Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site.
-Members are encouraged to read the treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Lisa also goes over the report at the meeting.
-A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as emailed to the members, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting.
-Lisa stated that our current laptop has been repaired and we do not need a new laptop at this time. She suggested that the $500 allotted for the lap top could be donated to Greater Peoria Honor Flight. -Lisa made the motion to donate the money, motion was seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting. Lisa will arrange for someone from Peoria Honor flight to address the club.
-Ed Lamoreau (Lamoureux) suggested that the board entertain the idea of expanding the budget for a new lap top. He feels that it may be necessary to have a better quality piece of equipment.

Announcements: Lori announced that we now have a greeting committee to welcome and acknowledge visitors at our monthly meetings. Greeters will be Robin Jones and Randy Tangman.
-We will also have a bereavement committee. Heading that committee is Lisa Jones. If you have information regarding the passing of a club member, please notify Lisa.
-Lori mentioned that the renewal sticker for the club trailer is due April 30, 2023 and asked for a motion from the floor to approve having the sticker renewed. Motion was made, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting to renew the trailer sticker.
-Lori advised the membership, Quincy Corvette Club wants to rent our trailer on July 23, 2023. It was suggested that MICC should have a contract signed stating that MICC is not responsible for accidents/injuries while Quincy Corvette Club is in possession of the trailer. It was also mentioned that Quincy Corvette Club should provide MICC with proof of insurance before they take the trailer. A discussion ensued regarding insurance for the trailer and contents (auto cross equipment, timing lights, etc.). Someone thought the club’s insurance should cover the trailer and contents. Someone else thought the vehicle’s insurance that is pulling the trailer should extend to the trailer while being pulled. Discussion was tabled until next meeting. Jim Redmond will check to see what is correct and have an answer at the March meeting.

-Ed Lamoreaux (Lamoureux) stated that the film, Ray Fauber Story, will be shown at Bradley University on March 28, 2023 at 6:00 PM. Seating is limited. There is no fee. Ed will have a sign-up sheet at the March meeting for those interested. He will provide interested parties with further information as needed.
-Randy Tangman highlighted February activities in a power point presentation.
-Rich Anderson stated that he has set a Feb 20, 2023 activities meeting to begin planning 2023 activities for the club.
-Robin Jones talked about upcoming activities that the club could be involved in/participate in:
May 18-19 St Jude Corvette Drive – Memphis, TN
June 8-10 Chula Vista Corvette Adventures – Wis Dells, WI
Aug 12 Black Dog Racing event – GT Class
Sept ? 2023 Vettes on the River – Le Claire, IA
-Jess Knight and his wife Tamara are avid Road America Fans. Jess spoke to the club about attending Road America events at Elkhart Lake, WI. There is a 14 mile track used for Indy Car races, EMSA cars and Vintage vehicles. He talked about the track, the races and spectator accommodation, camping facilities and nearby motels and lots of places to eat. He and Tamara attend several events every year and encouraged MICC to consider attending an event. Check Road America website for details and dates of events.
-Ed Saari, Director of Events for Chula Vista Resort, spoke about June 8, 2023 Corvette Adventures at the resort. Owner of Chula, Mike Kaminski is a huge St Jude supporter. This is a Corvette only event, registration is $120 per couple and includes driving events and road tours. This is not a show and shine event…road tours and driving events all three days…no lawn chairs are required! There are no vendors. However, National Corvette Museum has a tent there with lots of nice items for sell. This is a fun event!!
Check the website for detailed information CorvetteAdventures.com
-Ed also mentioned that August of 2024, next year is the 30th anniversary of the National Corvette Museum and he will be leading a group from Chula Vista to Bowling Green. Watch for details!

Governor’s report: NONE

Old Business: We are still looking for a volunteer to fill the MICC Board Governor’s position.
-Reminder: THE SUGGESTION BOX IS ON THE REFRESHMENT TABLE. Please put your suggestions in the box. All suggestions are anonymous!

New Business: MICC is still looking for a venue to hold the auto cross. No date has been set as we do not have a venue. An auto-cross committee has been formed. Mike Durham will be researching Auto Cross rules.
-New members voted in to MICC are: None tonight

Program: Speakers, Jess Knight and Ed Saari. See above mention in activities
-50/50: Winner of $50 was Larry Fauber. Larry donated his winnings to the Pleasant Hill Kids Shoe Fund Thank you Larry.
-Ed Saari generously donated 1 admission fee, for a couple ($120 value), to Chula Vista Corvette Adventures. Mary Brown was the winner. Congratulations!
-Trivia: We had no winner tonight. Next month’s question will be worth $20.

Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the Feb 2023 meeting at 7:00 PM , seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance. Meeting Adjourned.
-Sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts!
Respectfully submitted,
Mourina Sweet, Secretary

January 9, 2023

-The January 9, 2023 meeting was called to order by club President Lori Redmond at 6:05 PM. 39 members were present. We had no guests at the January meeting.
-Lori welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2023 and thanked all that participated/volunteered to lead events in 2022.
-Lori expressed birthday and anniversary wishes to those celebrating in December and January.

Secretary’s report:

-Minutes of the MICC meeting are e-mailed to members and posted on the web site.
[Correction, approved at February meeting: are not posted on website until after being approved.]

-A motion was made to accept the minutes as posted on the website, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting.
[Correction, approved at February meeting: not posted on website.]
-Members are encouraged to read the minutes before the next meeting. Additions, changes or corrections should be made at the next meeting and then will be posted on the website.

[Correction, approved at February meeting: “and then will be posted”]

Treasurer’s report: The treasurer’s report is e-mailed to members. They are not posted on the web site.
-Members are encouraged to read the treasurer’s report before the next meeting. Lisa also goes over the report at the meeting.
-A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as listed on the website, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting.

Announcements: We have an exciting year ahead of us. Mid-Illinois Corvette Club is celebrating 30 year as an organized Corvette club. This is also the 40th anniversary of Uftring Chevrolet dealership…Congratulations Gary Uftring and staff and the 70th anniversary of the Corvette. Lots to celebrate!!
-Lori stated that we need volunteers to help plan a 30th anniversary party for MICC. Please contact Lori Redmond.
-Lori also asked for volunteers to sit on the following committees: audit committee, by-law committee, bereavement committee and a welcome committee. Please contact Lori Redmond if interested.
-Charities for 2023 are St Jude Charity car show, supporting the St Jude drive and the Pleasant Hill kids shoe fund. A motion was made, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting to continue supporting these events.
-Tracy Adamson has volunteered to act as interim Governor for MICC until a replacement is found. A motion was made to accept Tracy as interim Governor, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting.
-We have revived the suggestion box. If you have suggestions, please submit your ideas. All suggestions are anonymous and all will be considered.
-Lori asked that everyone step up – volunteer – BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE!

Activities: Rich Anderson asked for suggestions for activities and for members to step up to plan and lead one event this year.
*Jan 14, 2023 – Ray Fauber Hearts of Gold event at the Scottish Rite Theatre 7:00 PM
*Jan 21, 2023 – Sheets Creek – meet and eat 5:30 PM
*The St Jude Charity car show, our 25 year anniversary for the car show, is planned for June 3 2023, rain or shine.
Car show flyers will be available at the February 2023 meeting so that members can begin collecting raffle items, door prizes and silent auction items.

Governor’s report: The Governor’s report is posted on the website for members to review. None this month.

Old Business: Moe Sweet reported that she and 5 volunteers from MICC took 25 Pleasant Hill School kids to Shoe Carnival for new shoes and socks…lots of happy smiles when they got back on the bus to return to school! Citi-Link provides the bus for our outing. Kudos to them! A thank you was sent to them for their continuing support.

New Business: Lori asked that the new board members stand up and introduce themselves and tell the membership a little about themselves.
Lori Redmond – President – she and husband Jim drive a 2010 red Grand Sport
Mike Durham – Vice President – he and wife Connie drive a 2017 white Grand Sport Z07
Lisa Jones – Treasurer – she and husband Robin drive a 2016 white Z51
Moe Sweet – Secretary – she and husband Harry drive either a 1998 Pace car or a 2011 Grand Sport Lingenfelter
Tracy Adamson – Membership – she and husband Bruce drive a 2019 Z06 convertible and have a restored 1965 red convertible.
Rich Anderson – Activities chairman – he and wife Mary drive a 2016 red Stingray Z51

New members voted in to MICC are: none at this meeting.

Program: Gary Uftring spoke about his 40 years in business as Uftring Chevrolet and how he got his start washing cars for the dealership in 1966. He also told the membership that he feels electric cars are here to stay and that Corvettes will eventually be electric. There is currently a proto-type for an electric Corvette.
Gary talked about the raffle for the new Corvette in his showroom. Proceeds from the sale of the tickets will benefit the Levee District park project in East Peoria, IL

50/50: Winner of $35 was Bob Williams. Bob generously donated his winnings to the Pleasant Hill Kids shoe fund. Thank you Bob.

Trivia: Winner of $10 was Wendy Allison. Wendy generously donated her winnings to the Pleasant Hill Kids shoe fund. Thank you Wendy.

Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the January 2023 meeting, seconded and approved by a show of hands of those in attendance at the meeting at 6:58 PM. Meeting Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,

Mourina Sweet, Secretary
Mid-Illinois Corvette Club,

December: No business meeting. Club Christmas Party December 3, 2022.

Governor’s Meeting
November 11-12- 2022

-The Midwest Region continues to be the largest region in the National Council of Corvette Clubs with 28 clubs, 2,411 members, including MAL’s and Lifetime members. Route 66 Corvette Club is the largest club in our region with 172 members. Tom Reitz is their governor. The club is located in St. Peters, Missouri.
-New Member ship cards will be mailed in late January or early February. If you do not receive your card, or need corrected, please let me know.
-We discussed the use of waivers at both the regional meeting and national meeting. Again, if the wheels are turning, all clubs are to use a waiver.
-The 2023 NCCC Convention will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky and the 2024 Convention will be held in Joplin, Missouri. The 2023 Convention will be a 60th Birthday Celebration of the Corvette. The convention will be held June 21-25, 2023 with lots of fun and racing. Registration opens February 1, 2023. Room rates at the Holiday Inn are $122.44 a night and include breakfast vouchers. Please watch for more details.
-In 1990, the Charity & Sponsorship Program established a Scholarship Program for NCCC members, their children and grandchildren to assist with educational opportunities at the college level. The Charity/Sponsorship Program will offer scholarships again this year. Scholarships Applications will be available on the NCCC website in January. Anyone wishing to apply for a $1,500 scholarship should visit the site.
-The Charity & Sponsorship Program has a set of Michelin Tires to raffle for anyone who submits a completed charity report to the committee by January 23, 2023. The Charity Report is found on the NCCC website under Forms.
-In 1990 the Program initiated the disaster program designed to assist members during times of financial crisis and/or disasters. Recently a request was made for four donations for $1,000 each for hurricane victims in the Florida region.
-The Midwest Region Banquet will be held in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at the Sheraton Madison Hotel. Room rates are $149. For room reservations call 608-251-2300. For more information, see the Midwest Region website.
-The MICC Autocross is scheduled for September 30- October 1, 2023.
-The GM Plant will be open for tours in December. Reservations are required.
-The NCCC has a contract with the Sheraton Westport Plaza through 2024. A contract will be negotiated for 2025. Rates will most likely increase. The meeting in February, 2023 a contract will be presented.
-The NCCC has 18,694 members and 238 clubs and continues to grow.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sandy Arnold
Governor MWR-391

October 10, 2022
-The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:03 p.m. with 42 members and 4 guests present. Currently there are 145 members and 86 households in the club.
-The four guests were Mike & Mavis Miller, and Mike and Wendy Allison.

-Lori Redmond wished Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the members that have one in October.
-Randy Tangman showed pictures of The Club Members at some of the latest activities we had. Lori thanked him and hoped he will do again it in the future.
-This was the second participation with The Club for the four guests. Mike & Mavis Miller, Mike & Wendy Allison were asked to leave the meeting. All four of them were voted into The Club. Welcome to The Club.

Treasurer’s Report
-Was sent out by E-Mail.
-Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, 1st by John Walker, 2nd by Harry Sweet, motion carried with a majority vote of the members present.

Secretary’s Report
-The Secretary’s Report was emailed to members, (those without email are mailed a copy).
-A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report for September, was made 1st by Mark Carr, 2nd by Michael Durham, motion carried with a majority vote of the members present.

Governor’s Report
None this month. Governor’s Reports are posted on the club web site.

-All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event.
-10/29 Fall Color Drive.
-11/12 Drive Out TBD
-12/3 Christmas Party.

-Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member News

-Dinning Books are not available this year.
-If any Club Members want to Ring the Bells for The Salvation Army, please contact Lori.

Old Business


New Business

-This is going to be a busy year for The Club with Uftrings 40th anniversary, MICC’s 30th anniversary, and the 70th anniversary for The Corvette.
-Lori announced the Election Results. The next years Board Members will be. President-Lori Redmond, Vice President-Michael Durham, Governor-Sandy Arnold, Treasurer-Lisa Jones, Secretary-Mourina Sweet, Membership Director-Tracy Adamson, Activities Director-Rich Anderson. The total number of Ballots was 105.

-Don’t forget Yearly DUES are Due.
-The 50/50 drawing for the $105 pot. Was won by Rob Johnson. He donated the $53 he won to The Shoe Fund.
-Motion to adjourn was made by John Walker and seconded by Randy Tangman at 6:40 p.m. Motion passed with a majority vote of the membership present.

-Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without
you and your participation.

Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

September 12, 2022
-The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:01 p.m. with 49 members and 3 guests present. Currently there are 145 members and 86 households in the club. The three guests were Mike & Mavis Miller, and Kevin Thornberry.

-Lori Redmond wished Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the members that have one in September.
-Lori Redmond announced that the Nominating Committee had no volunteers to run for the Board Member positions that are up for election this year.
-Lori announced that Michael Durham volunteered to finish the remainder of Diana Mooney’s position as Vice President. Lori asked for a vote to approve the appointment of Michael Durham as Vice President the first of 2023. He was approved with a majority vote of those members present.
-Lori then asked if there were any nominations from the floor. Roger Stone nominated Mourina Sweet for the Secretary position. Lori asked Mourina if she would accept the nomination. Mourina Sweet announced she would recuse herself from the Nominating Committee and would accept the nomination. With no other nominations for the Secretary position a vote was taken for Mourina Sweet to assume the Secretary position the first of 2023. She was approved with a majority vote of those members present.
-Lori asked again if there were any other nominations from the floor. John Haase nominated Connie Durham for the Governor position. Lori asked Connie if she would accept the nomination. Connie Durham announced she would recuse herself from the Nominating Committee and accept the nomination. Lori asked Sandy Arnold, (the present Governor) if she was going to run for office again. Sandy Arnold said “yes” she would.
-Lori asked one more time if were any more nominations from the floor. No new nominations were made. Lori announced she would continue as President, since no one volunteered. She asked for a vote and was approved with a majority vote of those members present.
Election Ballots will be mailed to the Club’s membership. Please fill the ballot out and return to the Nominating Committee prior to September 30th (postmarked no later than 9-30-22).

Treasurer’s Report
-The report was sent out by E-Mail.
-Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, 1st by Bruce Adamson, 2nd by Mark Carr, motion carried with a majority vote of the members present.

Secretary’s Report
-The Secretary’s Report was emailed to members (those without email are mailed a copy).
-A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report for August, was made 1st by Bruce Adamson, 2nd by Roger Stone, motion carried with a majority vote of the members present.

Governor’s Report
Sandy Arnold read the Governor’s Report to the members:
Governor’s Meeting September 9-11, 2022
-The Midwest Region continues to be the largest region in the National Council of Corvette Clubs with 27 clubs, 18,901 members, including MAL’s and Lifetime members. Currently Mid-Illinois Corvette Club has 143 members. Corvette Club of Illinois is the largest club in our region with 177 members. Tom McKinley is their governor. The club is located in Champaign, Illinois.
-We discussed the use of waivers at both the regional and national meeting. Again, if the wheels are turning, clubs are to use a waiver. When signing waivers, each person is required to only sign their name.
-The 2023 NCCC Convention will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky June 24-30, 2023. The Convention has plans to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Corvette, with tours of the plant, along with many other events. Tentative schedule:
2023 NCCC Convention Tentative Schedule
(NOTE: Tours not included yet)2p-6p Hospitality/Mall
Hospitality room open to hang out
10a-6p Registration & Tech
12p-6p Hospitality/Mall
7p-11p Welcome Party/Wine Tasting
8a-12p Concours & PC Shows
11a-4p Rallye leaving NCM, returning to Hotel
6:30p-10:30p Champion Dinner/Speaker
8a-5:30p Low Speed
Club Touring
12p-5p Hospitality/Mall
10a-3p Funkhana
12p-5p Hospitality/Mall
7p-11p Party
8a-5:30p High Speed
12p-5p Hospitality/Mall
Open evening (Hospitality room open to bring in drinks)
7a-5p Drags
12p-5p Hospitality/Mall
7p-11p Ice Cream Social/Party
8a-11a Breakfast/Convention Awards
6p-10p Gala at Museum/Speaker

-The 2024 Convention will be held in Joplin, Missouri in May, 2024. Tentatively the dates are May 13-19, 2024.
-NCM announced that tours of the GM plant will resume November 1, 2022. Reservations are required and NCM members will have priority.
-New Electric Cars (EV’s) will not be allowed to participate in any NCCC racing events. Golf carts, bicycles, scooters and other modes of transportation can be used to map out an autocross track prior to a race, if the person is unable to walk the course. This information along with restroom and dining options are required on a NCCC approved racing flyer.
-A Safety Committee is being formed to revise and review the safety of racing volunteers.
-In 2024 all NCCC clubs will have fourteen sanctions in place of the ten sanctions each club has at this time.
-In 1990, the Program established a Scholarship Program for Members, their children and grandchildren to assist with educational opportunities at the college level and trade schools. This year there were 24 applicants. They applied for a $1,500 scholarship. Sixteen of those scholarships were complete. Of those sixteen applicants, nine scholarships were awarded. Scholarship applications will be available January 1, 2023 for anyone wanting to apply.
-In an effort to recognize our club contributions to the community, an article has been submitted to the National Council of Corvette Clubs Charity & Scholarship Committee, by Diana Mooney, Mid-Illinois Corvette Club and two articles were written by Lisa Jones, Treasurer for Mid-Illinois Corvette Club and may be published in Blue Bars Magazine.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sandy Arnold
Governor MWR-391

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event.
-9/18 Hound and Hare.
-9/25 Charity Car Show/Clinton.
-10/2 Motorheads-Drive out.
-10/9 Club Picnic @ Timberlake bring a covered dish.
-Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news
-Lori thanked Gary and Joe for sending a letter to the club members encouraging them to be involved in club activities and running for office.
Lori congratulated Jess & Tamara Knight for winning the First Place Trophy in C2 Class at Vettes on the River
-Lori announced that a Suggestion Box will be at the meetings. Please write suggestions for Events, Activities, Speakers, and web site concerns to be talked about at future meetings.
-Dinning Books are not available this year.
-If any Club Members want to Ring the Bells for The Salvation Army please contact Diana or Larry Mooney.

Old Business

New Business
-The Auto Cross has been canceled for this year.
-This is going to be a busy year for the club with Uftring’s 40th anniversary, MICC’s 30th anniversary, and the 70th anniversary of the 1st Corvette (1953).
-Lori made a motion to start a Facebook page for the club.
-1st by Bruce Adamson, 2nd by Gene Pfotenhauer. Motion carried with a majority vote of members present.
-The 50/50 drawing for the $115 pot was won by Rick Brown. He donated the $57 to the Shoe Fund.
-Motion to adjourn was made by Mary Stone and seconded by Bruce Adamson at 6:30 p.m. Motion passed with a majority vote of the membership present.

-Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without
you and your participation.

Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

August 11, 2022
-The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:05 p.m. with 40 members and 2 guests present.
-Currently there are 142 members and 85 households in the club.

-Lori Redmond wished Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the members that have one in August.
-Lori Redmond announced that Mo Sweet, Robin Jones, and Connie Durham have all agreed to be on the Nominating Committee. The Board Member Positions that are up for election this year are President, Vice President, Secretary, Governor.
-Motion to approve the Nominating Committee, 1st by Carol Steffen, 2nd by John Steffen, motion carried with a majority vote of the members present.

Treasurer’s Report
-Lisa Jones read the Report, it is sent out by E-Mail.
-Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, 1st by Mark Carr, 2nd by Harry Sweet, motion carried with a majority vote of the members present.

Secretary’s Report
-The Secretary’s Report was emailed to members, (those without email are mailed a copy).
-A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report for July, was made 1st by Michael Durham, 2nd by Mary Stone, motion carried with a majority vote of the members present.

-Governor’s Report
-Report posted, above, as presented in September 2022, meeting minutes.

-All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event.
-Robin Jones filled in for Rich Anderson, this is a partial list.
-8/13-Blackdog Speed Shop Cruise-in for St Jude, 8/19-Friday Night Lights / E.P. Levee Dist. 6-9pm, 8/20-Dan Gove Racing / Autobahn C.C. / Joliet IL., 8/27- Vettes on the River (Lead by the Jones’s)
-Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news
-Dan Grove talked about the Blackdog Cruise-in, and The Dan Grove Racing.
-There will be lots of activities to fill your day. Dan needs a car count for the 8/20 event.
-Mary and Rick Brown are the two guests at this meeting. This is the second meeting for them, they were voted in as new members. They have a Red 2010 Grand Sport, welcome to The Club.

Old Business

New Business
-The Auto Cross has been canceled for this year.
-Sue McMorris asked if The Club was going to sell (The Peoria Dinning Tour Books) for next year. Mary Stone said she had talked to Elaine Kasky about it. Elaine Kasky told her she would handle it like she had in the past, if The Club decided to sell them.
-Motion was made for The Club to sell the books 1st Johnnie Walker and 2nd Marcie Marcy, it passed with a majority vote of the membership present.
-The 50/50 drawing for the $120 pot. Was won by Jody Lawrence, she won $60.
-Motion to adjourn was made by Mary Stone and seconded by Connie Durham at 6:30 p.m. Motion passed with a majority vote of the membership present.

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without
you and your participation.
Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

July 11, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President Lori Redmond at 6:02 p.m. with 37 members present. Currently there are 143 members and 84 households in the club. There were two guests and no visitors at the meeting.

-Our guests, Jeff Klaybor, Scott Williams and Beth Wozniak (not present) requested to become members of Mid-Illinois Corvette Club. They were voted in to the club during the meeting. Welcome Jeff, Scott and Beth!

-Lori Redmond wished a Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the members having a birthday or anniversary in July.

Program – None

Treasurer’s Report

–Lisa Jones shared a detailed treasurer’s report for both May and June were presented to the membership, along with an expense report for the St. Jude Corvette Drive Car Show.

-A motion to accept the May Treasurer’s Report as read was made by Elaine Kasky and seconded by Mike Durham. The motion passed with a majority vote from the membership present at meeting.

-A motion to accept the June Treasurer’s Report as read was made by Connie Durham and seconded by Steve Barton. The motion passed with a majority vote from the membership present at meeting. The Treasurer’s Report and Car Show Expense Report was emailed to all members July 10, 2022.

Secretary’s Report

-The Secretary’s Report for May and June are posted on the website. Those without email are mailed a copy of the reports.

-A motion to accept the Secretary’s minutes was made by Elaine Kasky and seconded by Johnnie Walker. The motion passed with a majority vote from the membership present at meeting.

Governor’s Report

–The May Governor’s Report is included in the May minutes on the website.


-Rich Anderson reported there are several activities coming up in July and August, LaSalle Uptown Grill in July, Vets on the Rockies, Black Dog Racing, Vets on the River are just a few of the events planned for August!
All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!

Member’s News- None

Old Business

-Mo Sweet talked about the Murder Mystery Skit held at Kep’s on July 10, 2022. She added everyone had a great time and thanked Jody Lawrence, Larry Fauber, Diana and Larry Mooney, Marcy and Jody Marcy , Buddy and Stephanie Turner. She mentioned there were 12 club members present.

-Connie Durham talked about the July 4th Parade held in West Peoria. They had six cars participate and threw out bouncy balls and candy. They had a great time!

-Lisa Jones thanked everyone who went to the Morton VFW for the car show. Lisa thanked Jim Redmond for his hard work at the car show.

-Elaine Kasky spoke about the VFW Car Show. “The lack of communication about the show, being on or running on the rain date was non-existent. Several couples would have helped their cause had we been able to have a little information.“ (Elaine’s comments)

-Rich Anderson responded that it was not our car club event. Any questions should have gone to the people running that car show.

-The autocross has been canceled. Sandy Arnold made a proposal that the $1,600 raised (after expenses) last year be donated to the Honor Flight. Johnnie Walker made a motion. President Lori Redmond tabled it for now.

New Business

-President Lori Redmond announced, according to the MICC By-Laws, the President will request a Nominating Committee of three (3) members, in good standing in July for the upcoming election of officers.The Nominating Committee is subject to approval by 2/3 of the members present at the meeting. No one stepped up. Lori will be calling club members to ask for help this week.

-Rich Anderson reported the car show raised $6,635.65 after expenses.

-Rich Anderson made a motion for the club to contribute $364.35 additional to the St. Jude Car Show to make a total contribution of $7,000 to be given to the St. Jude Corvette Drive.

-Diana Mooney suggested giving The Drive what was raised at the car show.

-A motion was made by Rich Anderson and seconded by Jeff Klaybor to contribute the additional $364.35. The motion passed with a majority vote from the membership present at meeting.

-Robin Jones reported that Gary Uftring is our sponsor and a huge sponsor and supporter of the St. Jude Drive.

-Elaine Kasky spoke about the integrity of our club. “She was asked to make a reservation at Bernardi’s restaurant for the meal after the car show. Several conversations were made including the text of the number of the owner of the restaurant to secure a final number for the meal the day of the show. The restaurant was to open ½ hour early for our group. Extra help was brought in and extra food was ordered. Our club, people at the car show, decided at the last minute to cancel that meal.
Some club members were willing to go but were told it was canceled. That being said, she and several others are very disappointed in the actions of our club. We have never backed out of a reservation at the last minute and that local restaurant will never accommodate our club again. The restaurant also gave a $50 gift certificate for our raffle.”
(Elaine’s comments)

Webmaster’s Report

-The “Member’s Only” page has been removed from the website due to several attempted hacks.

-Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu including new members AND existing members with new cars.

-50/50 Drawing – The 50/50 raffle total was $78.00. Mindy Kloneger won $39.00. Congrats Mindy!!
Mindy donated her winnings to the St. Jude Drive Fund.


–At 6:55 p.m. a motion to adjourn was made by Connie Durham and seconded by Tamara Knight. The motion passed with a majority vote from the membership present at meeting.

Respectfully Submitted
Sandy Arnold
Governor MW-391

June 13, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:04 p.m. with 47 members and 3, guest present. Currently there are 134 members and 81 households in the club.

-Lori Redmond wished Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the members that have one in June.
-Lori welcomed the guest to the meeting. They were Rick and Mary Brown, and Scott Williamson.
-Lori announced that she would like to thank everyone involved for a Great Car Show this year. She asked those present to stand up.
-Lori announced that the Members Only part of the MICC Web Site has been removed due to multiple attempts to hack it.

Treasurer’s Report
-Lisa Jones gave a brief explanation of the Debits and Credits. She did not give a full report, and said she would give a full report next month. She will E-Mail this month’s when she gets it done.

Secretary’s Report
-The Secretary’s Report was emailed to members, (those without email are mailed a copy).
-A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report for May was made by Bruce Adamson and seconded by Mark Carr. The Motion was passed with a majority vote from the membership present at meeting.

Governor’s Report
Including report from the latest Governor’s Meeting appear in the meeting minutes in MAY, below.

-All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!
-Rich announced that the Car Show made $6,635.00 for St Jude Drive.
-Connie Durham talked about The 4th of July Parade in West Peoria this year. She announced that we will be allowed to throw candy from the cars this year. For more information contact Connie Durham.
-Michael and Connie Durham are heading a trip to The Barn in Goodfield October 15th, 2022. For more information again contact Connie Durham.
-Diana Mooney talked about a group from The Club is going to preform a skit at Kep’s Restaurant in Washington on July 10th from 3-5. They hope to see you there .

Webmaster Report
-Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news

Old Business

New Business

-The Board will be discussing a Communications Chairperson for Promotion/ Information Coordination.
-We would like to update the information on the Web Site. Please send a new picture of you and your car to Ed.
-Lori Redmond has gotten a committee together to start working on The Clubs 30th next year.
-The 50/50 drawing for the $85 pot. Was won by Harry Sweet, he won $43.
-The 50/50 drawing for last month was won by Tamara Knight. She donated it to The Clubs Car Show.
-Connie Durham won the last Sun-Visor.
-Motion to adjourn was made by Bruce Adamson and seconded by Larry Mooney at 6:36 p.m. Motion passed by a majority vote of the membership present.

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without
you and your participation.
Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

May 9, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:00 p.m. with 40 members and 4, guest present. Currently there are 140 members and 83 households in the club.

-Lori Redmond wished Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the members that have one in May.
-Lori Redmond welcomed the guest to the meeting. They were Don & Peggy Karnes, and Bob & Leslie Householter. Don and Peggy brought their MICC apparel for anyone that would be interested in it. They will be doing a lot of traveling since they left the Club. Best of luck to them and they will be missed.
-Lori Redmond announced that the Members Only part of the MICC web site has been removed due to multiple attempts to hack it.

Treasurer’s Report
-Lisa Jones read the Report and gave a brief explanation of the Debits and Credits.
-A Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by 1st Mark Carr and seconded by Dennis Dunn. The Motion was passed with a majority vote from the membership present at meeting.

Secretary’s Report
-The Secretary’s Report was emailed to members, (those without email are mailed a copy).
-A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report for March was made by Jodie Marcy and seconded by Mark Carr. The Motion was passed with a majority vote from the membership present at meeting.

Governor’s Report
Governor’s Meeting

May 6-8, 2022

The Midwest Region continues to be the largest region in the National Council of Corvette Clubs with 27 clubs, 2,406 members, including MAL’s and Lifetime members.  Corvette Club of Illinois is the largest club in our region with 174 members.  Tom McKinley is their governor.  The club is located in Champaign, Illinois.

New Member cards were mailed in February.  If you have not received your card, or need corrected, please let me know. 

We discussed the use of waivers at both the regional meeting and national meeting.  Again, if the wheels are turning, all clubs are to use a waiver.

The 2023 NCCC Convention will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky and the 2024 Convention will be held in Joplin, Missouri.  Dates and convention information are not complete. 

The National Council of Corvette Clubs, Inc. (NCCC) Charity & Grants Program (Program) began in 1975 and has grown steadily, not only in dollar amounts that are given, but also in the area of service. The Program depends entirely on voluntary participation by NCCC Clubs and their Club Members. Through the years NCCC, as an all volunteer organization, has donated over $1.5 million to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Spina Bifida Association of America and the National Kidney Foundation. In 1996, NCCC began working with the National Kidney Foundation in support of their Transplant Games and the Organ Donor Awareness Program. In 2016, NCCC began its support of St Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

In 1990 the Program initiated the disaster program designed to assist members during times of financial crisis and/or disasters. This year a donation was made for $1,000.

In 1990, the Program established a Scholarship Program for Members, their children and grandchildren to assist with educational opportunities at the college level. This year there were 24 applicants.  They applied for a $1,500 scholarship.  Sixteen of those scholarships were complete.  Of those sixteen applicants, nine scholarships were awarded.

In an effort to recognize our club contributions to the community, I would like to submit the National Council of Corvette Clubs Charity Activity Report to both the NCCC Charity Committee and Blue Bars Magazine. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Sandy Arnold
Governor MWR-391

-All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!
-Connie Durham talked about The 4th of July Parade in West Peoria this year. She reminded us, no throwing candy from the cars this year. For more information contact Connie Durham.
-Michael and Connie Durham are heading a trip to The Barn in Goodfield October 15th, 2022. For more information again contact Connie Durham.
-Mary Anderson reminded every one of The Clubs upcoming St Jude Car Show June 4th, 2022, and The Morton V.F.W. Car Show on June 25th 2022. Tom Stanesa announced that if 30 or more cars from The Club show up for the Car Show, the V.F.W. donate money to The Club for St Jude.

Webmaster Report
-Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news

Old Business

We only have 1 club visor left.

New Business

-The Board will be discussing a Communications Chairperson for Promotion / Information Coordination.
-The question was asked about having The Club meeting at a restaurant, that was rejected by the members at the meeting.
-We would like to update the information on the Web Site. Please send a new picture of you and your car to Ed.
-The 50/50 drawing for the $98 pot. Was won by Pat Kubon, she won $48 and donated it to The St Jude Car Show. Thank You.
-Motion to adjourn was made by Michael Durham and seconded by Mark Carr at 6:45 p.m. Motion passed by a majority vote of the membership present.
-Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without
you and your participation.

Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

April 11, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:05 p.m. with 39 members and 1 guest present. Currently there are 140 members and 83 households in the club.

-Lori Redmond wished Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the members that have one in April.
-Lori also reminded everyone that on April 16th N.C.R.S. would be at Uftring’s.
Bill Green from N.C.R.S. talked about what they do and how they judge the cars. He invited any one from M.I.C.C. to come and learn more on Saturday April 16th starting at 1:00 pm.

Treasurer’s Report
-Lisa Jones read the Report and gave a brief explanation again on why the Auto Cross Profits,
were moved to the General Fund.
-A Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Mark Carr and seconded by Larry Mooney. The Motion was passed with a majority vote from the membership present at the meeting.

Secretary’s Report
-The Secretary’s Report was emailed to members, (those without email are mailed a copy).
-A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report for March was made by Elaine Kasky and seconded by Jodie Marcy. Motion was passed with a majority vote from the membership present at the meeting.

Governor’s Report
-Coming in the May minutes, published after the June meeting

-All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!
-Connie Durham talked about The 4th of July Parade in West Peoria this year. They are going to meet at a new place, because of road construction, and no throwing of candy from the cars this year. For more information contact Connie Durham.
-Michael and Connie Durham are heading a trip to The Barn III in Goodfield October 15th, 2022. For more information again contact Connie Durham.
-Mary Anderson reminded everyone of The clubs up coming St Jude Car Show June 4th, 2022, and The Morton V.F.W. Car Show on June 25th 2022.

Webmaster Report
-Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news
-Condolences to the Bob Picton family on the passing of his father.
Bob was at the meeting and announced the memorial money that was donated in his father’s name for St Jude could be used by someone from The M.I.C.C. club who has not signed up for the Drive this year. They could use it towards the required $1500.
Thank You Mr. Picton. Mid-Illinois Corvette Club Monthly Meeting Minutes

Old Business
There are 4 hats left at $15 each, and 2 visors at $10 each.

New Business
-The 50/50 drawing worth $100, was won by Harry Sweet, he won $50.
Motion to adjourn was made by Michael Durham and seconded by Jodie Marcy at 7:05 p.m. Motion passed by a majority vote of the membership present.
-Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without
you and your participation.

Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

March 14, 2022
The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:05 p.m. with 37 members and 4 guests present. Currently there are 133 members and 78 households in the club.

-Lori introduced 4 guests. Glenn & Barb Goggins, Clyde Campbell, & Tim Kauffman.
Glenn, Barb, & Clyde this was their second Club meeting. Tim is a past member of the Club. They were all voted in as new members. Welcome to the Club.
-Lori wished Happy Anniversaries and Birthdays to the members that have one in March.

Treasurer’s Report
-The Treasurer’s Report is now emailed to all members that we have emails for (those without emails are mailed a copy of the report.
-Lori asked if anyone had any questions about the club budget for 2022.
-Mo Sweet had a question about money allocated for this year’s Auto Cross. The way she and others read the budget for this year, it looked like we had two different amounts budgeted for this year’s Auto Cross. The $2,050.00 is the projected cost for this year’s Auto Cross, the $1600.00 was the profit from last year’s Auto Cross.
-Rich Anderson made the motion to move the $1600.00 from Auto Cross Fund to the Clubs General Fund. The motion was seconded by Buddy Turner, the motion was passed with a majority vote from members present.
-A motion was made to accept the new Budget, 1st Bruce Adamson 2nd by Tom Stanesa, the motion passed with a majority vote from the members present.
-A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report, 1st Tom Stanesa 2nd by Mary Anderson, the motion was passed with a majority vote of the members present.

Secretary’s Report
-The Secretary’s Report is posted on the website (those without email are mailed a copy).
– A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report for February was made by Michael Durham and seconded by Bruce Adamson. Motion was passed with a majority vote from members present at the meeting.

Governor’s Report
-N.C.C.C. membership cards were mailed out February 17, 2022. If you haven’t received your card or if the information on your card is incorrect, please let Sandy Arnold know.
-The Midwest Region continues to be the largest region in the N.C.C.C. with 27 active clubs.
-There are 17,789 active members with 233 clubs throughout the U.S.
-The N.C.C.C, Convention will be held June 12-17, 2022, at Harrah’s, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Registration is still open, if you are interested in attending, please let Sandy Arnold know.

-All events are on the website calendar. Rich Anderson usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!
-Robin Jones & John Haase talked about the upcoming St. Jude Drive, on May 12, 2022.
If you want to go on the trip, you still have time to register. They are going make it a two-day trip down this year that way you can meet and talk to the other participants.
-Mary Anderson talked about the availability of apparel (hats, shirts, & more) to support the drive. You have until April 8th to place orders. The web site for ordering the apparelis (https://stjudedrives.org). Even if you’re unable to join the Drive, you can help promote St. Jude by buying apparel.
-Tom Stanesa talked about the June 25th Car Show taking place at the Morton V.F.W. He has a spot laid out just for the Corvette’s, like he did last year. If you or someone you know have a vehicle that they would like to put in the show (they have lots of room for everyone). There will be Food & Drinks.
-Darlene Corrie talked about a Car Show the University of Bradley Young Engineers is putting on April 9th, 2022, at 901 N. Elmwood Ave from 9am to 3pm no charge to inter they would like to see some Corvettes in the show.

Webmaster Report
– Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news
Old Business
New Business

-On April 16th starting at 1pm the N.C.R.S. (National Corvette Restorer Society) will have their meeting at Uftrings, in Washington. The meeting should last 3-4 hours. Their guest speaker will be a person that worked at the St. Louis plant when Corvettes were made there. We the Club members are invited to attend if interested.
-The Chocolate Money Cup was won by Marcie Marcy. You had to guess the value of the Chocolate Coins in the cup. The total was $32.86 she guessed $34.27. Congratulations Marcie.
-The 50/50 drawing for the $78 pot was won by Connie Durham, she donated $39 to The Shoe Fund. Thank You Connie.
-Motion to adjourn was made by Tom Stenesa and seconded by Bruce Adamson at 6:47p.m. Motion passed by a majority vote of the members present.
-Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without you and your participation.
Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

February 14, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Diana Mooney at 6:02 pm with 27 members present. Currently there are 135 members and 89 households in the club.

Diana mentioned there were only three board members in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Tracy and Sandy were out of town and Jim and Lori were not able to attend. Diana circulated a paper with members names and dates of February birthdays and anniversaries. She wished them all a Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. She welcomed our guests, Glen and Barb Goggins from Morton. They were guests of member Robert Williams. Diana asked Mr. Goggins to tell us about themselves and their corvette. They are familiar with our club and have attended many of the same events we have such as Vettes on the River. This is their first meeting. They hope to become members and attend activities.

Treasurer’s Report
Lisa Jones read the January Treasurer’s report. A motion was made to approve by Buddy Turner and seconded by Elaine Kasky. Motion approved by a majority vote from members present.

Secretary’s Report
Diana asked if everyone received a copy of the Secretary’s January minutes via email. Those who do not have email are mailed a copy. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Larry Mooney and seconded Sue McMorris. Motion carried and approved.

Governor’s Report
None given

Rich talked about upcoming events.
St. Jude Corvette Drive- May 12-13
Corvette Adventures in Chula Vista- June 9-11
Autobahn Race- August 20th

Dan Gove spoke about a club event to watch him race near Joliet. Dan will participate in two races in his corvette. Members attending will have an area to park and also be able to drive their corvette on the track behind a pace car.

Elaine is looking into a Riverboat nearby to make the event into an overnight stay for those who wish to go to the boat.

Vettes on the Rockies Steamboat Springs- August 1-4 Contact Rich if you are interested. Registration for the even is currently open online.

Rich is looking for members interested in being on the activities committee this year. He currently has 6 couples. Please contact Rich if you are interested in being on the committee or leading an event.

Member News
Diana shared with the club that we had members who recently became grandparents: Rich and Mary Anderson, Tracy and Bruce Adamson and Lori and Jim Redmond. Congratulations to all.

Diana told the club according to the By Laws a yearly audit of the club checking was required in January. Diana asked Lisa Jones to talk about the audit. The audit was completed on January 24, 2022 by Connie Durham, Bruce Adamson and Lisa Jones. Mark Carr made a motion to approve the audit and it was seconded by Mary Anderson. Motion carried and approved.

Diana told the club our yearly budget will be finalized at our next board meeting and ready for approval in March. Everyone will receive an email with the budget proposal to review before the March meeting.

Diana told the club a By Laws committee: Tracy Adamson, Mourina Sweet, Buddy Turner and Sandy Arnold were reviewing our current By Laws and will submit suggestions for possible changes.

Buddy Turner spoke and said he objects to elections by email voting. He is in favor of in person voting at meetings so topics can be discussed in person. There was concern from members about changing the By Laws to allow for electronic voting and who would monitor the votes. Rich explained the email that went to members was to see if members would like to allow email voting to give everyone a chance to vote. If someone had surgery or was away for the winter, they would miss a meeting and possibly a vote. It was suggested that Board members give advance notice on voting issues so members who wanted to vote would be at the meeting.

Diana suggested we table the conversation as we were running short on time.

Old Business

New Business
In the spirit of our Valentine’s Day meeting, Diana had a box of chocolates to give away (donated by Jody Lawrence) Diana asked Jody to come up and play a game to win the chocolates. Jody flipped a coin having everyone call heads or tails. If you were wrong you had to sit down. Last person standing was Mo Sweet who went home with chocolates.

There was $65.00 in 50/50 money collected. The winner was Harry Sweet who went home with $33.00. Lucky night for the Sweets!

Diana asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 pm. The motion was made by Buddy Turner and seconded by Jody Lawrence.

Submitted respectfully,
Lisa Jones Treasurer

January 10, 2022

The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6 p.m. with 20 members present.

Currently there are 135 members and 89 households in the club.

Lori wished Happy Anniversary and Birthday to the members that have one in January.

Lori made a motion that The Club will support St Jude, St Jude Drive, and The Shoe Fund for 2022.

A motion to approve First Robin Jones seconded by Tracey Adamson. Motion passed with a majority vote from members present at meeting.

Treasurer’s Report
A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce Adamson and seconded by Rex McMorris motion passed with a majority vote from members present at meeting.

Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s Report is posted on the website (those without email are mailed a copy).

A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report for November (no report for December) was made by Mike Durham and seconded by Bruce Adamson Motion was passed with a majority vote from members present at meeting.

Governor’s Report n/a

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!

The Car Show is going to be on June 4, 2022

Tom Stanesa talked about the Morton VFW is going to have another Car Show and he hopes The Club will participate again like we did last year.

If you want to participate in one of the Corvette Adventures June 9-11, 2022 at Chula Vista Resort Wisconsin Dells you best do it soon because they are filling up fast.

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news

Old Business

The hats are in and they cost $15 each.

New Business
A committee was formed to do the annual audit. The committee consisted of Connie Durham & Bruce Adamson.

Another committee was formed to review the By-Laws. That committee consisted of, Buddy Turner, Moe Sweet, Sandy Arnold, and Tracy Adamson.

Jim Redmond won the 50/50 drawing and donated his $10 winnings to The Shoe Fund.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bruce Adamson and seconded by Dennis Dunn at 6:25p.m.

Gary Uftring thanked us for social distancing and having a short meeting.

Remember, this is your club!  There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without you!

Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

No December 2021 meeting (Christmas Diner /Party instead)

November 8, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:00 p.m. with 59 members and 2 guests present. Currently there are 158 members and 91 households in the club. The guests were Mike Dawson and Robert Williams. They both were eligible to join The Club and were voted in.

Molly Kelley from St. Jude talked to the membership and explained how the money they receive at The OSF Children’s Hospital comes from a general fund that is not completely traceable. If the money comes from The Drive, it is traceable and the donor can be recognized.

Treasurer’s Report
Lisa Jones read and gave a detailed report.

A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Jodie Marcy and seconded by Tracy Adamson motion carried.

Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s Report is posted on the website (those without email are mailed a copy).

A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report was made by Lon Carr and seconded by Bruce Adamson motion carried.

Governor’s Report
Governor’s Meeting, November 12-13, 2021
Sandy Arnold writing as “I”

The MWR Competition season final standing reports are on the NCCC website and on the MWR website. MICC club members ranked 16 – 35 for worker points!

I was able to change the date for our 2022 MICC Autocross from August 28-29, 2021 to October 1-2, 2022. There are no other events scheduled that weekend. Our autocross will be held the 40th week of sanctioned events. There are 48 racing weekends. We should have a great turnout and hopefully, cooler weather!

The 2022 Competition Rule Book changes were not accepted, the rule changes did not pass. This means we will use 7 sanctions each day for our autocross. If changes were made we would have been able to use only 5 sanctions each day. I contacted Mike Link, Glass Favorites, MW-077, in Galesburg, IL. to borrow 4 sanctions for our event. They will give us four sanctions at $50 for each.

Both national and regional election results were announced. I will continue as RMD for the Midwest Region.

The regional banquet will be held March 12, 2021, in Burr Ridge, IL. Cost per person is $40.10. There will be a three hour open bar, along with several entrées, dessert and drinks. Rooms are available and should be reserved in advance for $119 (includes breakfast) or $109 without breakfast.

There will be a block of rooms reserved for the Midwest Region Awards Banquet, at the Crowne Plaza; information to follow.

Crowne Plaza Burr Ridge            300 South Frontage Road            Burr Ridge, IL. 60527
Contact:  Julie Larson              630-601-7548 ex153             630-325-2900             Jlarson@cpchicagosw.comhttp://cpchicagosw.com

In an effort to give credit to our club, please list contributions made by the club on a Club Charity Donation Reporting Form. This form is located in INFORMATION on both the NCCC and Midwest Region website. All contributions are not just in the form of money. The NCCC and the MWR would also like to know when clubs perform charitable activities which include events where members volunteer their time. Please include the year that the event takes place. This will be an ongoing record of activities that can be submitted as they happen. Our club has participated in several noteworthy community services! Recognition will appear in Blue Bars.  [this information has been forward to our MICC board for action when needed]

The 2022 NCCC Convention is well underway! If you think you’d attend, go to the website and look at all the things planned. It sounds exciting. I am planning to attend the convention! Anyone interested in going, please let me know!

Again, it was highly encouraged to use insurance waivers for every event!

Respectfully Submitted
Sandy Arnold
Governor MWR-391


Christmas Party is Dec. 4th, checks need to be to Lisa Jones no later than Nov. 29th.

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!

The Car Show brought in $4,843.01 for St. Jude.

December 8, Moe and a group of 6 will take children from Pleasant Hill School to get shoes

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news
Robin Jones, and John Haase, presented a Plague to Gary Uftring from St. Jude thanking M.I.C.C. for its Continued Support of the St. Jude Corvette Drive.

Condolences to Dwayne Allen on the loss of his 102-year-old mother, she passed away on October 29th

Old Business – None

New Business

The club honored the Veterans by saying the Pledge of Allegiance and giving each Veteran that was present at the meeting a donut.

Remember, this is your club!

Motion to adjourn was made by Bruce Adamson and seconded by Larry Mooney at 6:45p.m.

Club meeting times are changed, the meeting will start at 6:00 and end by 6:45.

Ringing of the bells donations: please send checks to Lisa Jones.

No December meeting; Christmas Party instead.

Summitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

October 11, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:30 p.m. with 53 members and 1 guest present. Currently there are 154 members and 90 households in the club. The guest was Anton Bommersbach he and his wife Pam have a C-8 Elkhart Blue Corvette.


Treasurer’s Report
Lisa Jones read and gave a detailed report.

A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Bruce Adamson and seconded by Connie Durham motion carried.

Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s Report is posted on the website (those without e mail are mailed a copy).

I will be amending the August 9, 2021,

A Motion to accept the Secretary’s Report was made by Lisa Jones and seconded by Tracy Adamson motion carried.

Governor’s Report

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!

October 30 Pekin Dome Car Show

October 30 Mackinaw Valley Vineyard

The members that parked their cars in the grass for the picture at the Club Picnic Robin will have a copy for you at next month’s meeting.

The Car Show brought in $4,843.01 for St. Jude

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu, including new members AND existing members with new cars.

Member news
Diana Mooney called The Salvation Army about The Ringing of The Bell, she got no response back from them.

A Motion was made to do like we did last year and let the members make a donation through The Club. Checks may be made out to Salvation army and sent to Lisa Jones, seconded by Michael Durham, motion carried.

Robin Jones, and John Haase, presented to The Club a Plague from St. Jude thanking M.I.C.C. for its Continued Support of the St. Jude Corvette Drive.

Old Business
The hats are in and they cost $15 each.

New Business
Mourina Sweet Explained the Hound & Hare that will be October 17,2021 she will give all those who participate more instructions when they met at Limestone High School at 1:00 pm on that Sunday. She also talked about The Shoe Fund and how she will need at least 6 volunteers to help when they take the kids to the store, and if members would like to donate money for socks for the kids.

At the November meeting The Club would like to honor all the Veterans in
The Club hope to see you at the meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made by Bruce Adamson and seconded by Dennis Dunn at 6:55p.m.

Remember, this is your club!  There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without you!

Summitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

September 13, 2021
The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:35 p.m. with 53 members at Uftring’s in Washington. We have 154 members and 90 households in the Club.

Treasurer’s Report
Lisa Jones read and gave the report.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Mary Stone and seconded by Peggy Karnes, motion carried.

Secretary’s Report
was not posted on the website but was read at the meeting by Jim Redmond.
Motion to accept by Diana Mooney and seconded by Jack Mooberry, motion carried.

Governor’s Report
The scholarship committee increased scholarships from $1,000 to $1,500 per year for selected students who complete the application. The applications are found on the NCCC website, under Charity & Scholarship.

The Midwest Region Awards Banquet will be held March 5 – 6, 2022. Details to follow.

The NCCC 2022 Convention will be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 12-17,2022.

There will be several by-laws and standing rules reviewed & voted on at the November meeting.

Again, Jim Walton, Business Agent, NCCC is highly recommending using a Waiver, other than using an attendance sheet for meetings.

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!

The car show on 9/18 for St Jude needs more volunteers.

Sandy Arnold reported that we had 38 racers at the Autocross, which was about the average for this year. We had 57 racers at our first Autocross in 2019. We still made money which was good this year. There was a lot of discussion about using 5 sanctions per day for Autocross/Racing events as opposed to the 7 sanctions we currently use.

The total income from the Autocross 2021 $3,860.00
The total expenses $2,253.09
Net profit $1,606.91

Member news

Please keep the Jim Butler family in your prayers

Old Business

The hats are in, and they cost $15 each.

Remember, this is your club!  There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without you.

New Business

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website, including new members AND existing members with new cars, to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu

50/50 drawing
Won by Mark Carr; he donated the proceeds to the St Jude Car Show.

Motion to adjourn by Roger Stone and seconded by Tracy Adamson at 7:30 pm. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary Jim Redmond

August 9, 2021
The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:36 p.m. with 53 members at Uftring’s in Washington.
Currently there are 156 members and 91 households in the club.
This was Mike McMullen’s third participation with the Club, he was voted in with a unanimous vote.

Edward Lamoureux talked about the Club’s Web Site trying to help the members learn how to use it.

Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Buddy Turner and seconded by Peggy Karnes, motion carried.

Secretary’s Report
Secretary’s Report is posted on the website (those without email are mailed a copy)
Motion to accept by Mary Stone and seconded by Rich Anderson, motion carried.
I have amended last months minutes to show that Mike McMullen was voted in the Club, I skipped posting it.

Governor’s Report

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website.
8/21-Corvette Shark Fest St. Charles Il
8/28-MICC Autocross Peoria Il
9/12-Hot Rods & Hamburgers Metamora Square
9/18-MICC St Jude Car Show

Member news
It’s that time of the year again, membership dues need to be collected.
Roger Stone asked why the Club was not doing the 50/50 drawing.

Old Business
The hats are in, and they cost $15 each.
Remember, this is your Club, and it would not exist without you.

New Business
The new Nominating Committee will be looking for Club Members to run or fill Board Member seats that are up for election this Fall. Those seats are Vice President, Treasurer, Membership, and Activities.

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu
This includes new members and existing members with new cars.

Motion to adjourn by Mary Stone and seconded by Mary Anderson at 7:40 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary Jim Redmond

July 12, 2021
The meeting was called to order by President, Lori Redmond at 6:30 p.m. with 46 members and 2 guests present. Currently there are 154 members and 89 households in the club.
After his required second attendance Torrance Sawyer was voted into the club. Welcome Torrance!
Bruce Adamson introduced Jim Novotny as a potential new member.

Terry Quinn from (Tire Rack Street Survival) talked about the program they have which helps young drivers be better and safer drivers. He was looking for volunteers to help. If you are interested, you can call him at home #309 383 2644 cell #309 397 0513.
Brad Koetters was introduced by Robin Jones as the replacement of John Haase. He will be the contact for us to get parts and service.

Treasurer’s Report
Will be posted on the website at a later date.

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy).

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

Upcoming August Activities
All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!
August 1st Spirit OF Peoria Cruise / Lunch at Logan’s
Member news

Old Business
The hats are in and cost $15 each.

New Business
Sandy Arnold needs to buy more equipment for the Auto Cross. Motion was made (Bruce Adamson) to let her spend more money (seconded by Diana Mooney). Motion carried.

Diana Mooney was voted in as the Vice President of the Club.

Motion to adjourn was made by Lisa Jones and seconded by Peggy Karnes at 7:10 p.m.

Remember, this is your club!  There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without you!

Submitted Respectfully,
Secretary Jim Redmond

June 14, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:40 p.m. with 53 members at Uftrings in Washington, and 3 guests present (Tom Mullen, Torrance Sawyer, and Mike McMullen).

Currently there are 153 members and 89 households in the club.
This was Tom Mullen’s second participation with the Club, he was unanimously voted into the club. Robert and Dee Bockler were also voted in unanimously. Welcome to our newest members.


Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Jim Redmond and seconded by Jack Mooberry, motion carried.

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). Motion to accept by Marry Stone and seconded by Don Karnes, motion carried.

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website.

The West Peoria 4th of July Parade will not be held this year, but a group will meet at 10 am at the Fire Station that day to drive the route twice similar to year.

Sandy Arnold needs people to work the Autocross on 8/28 & 8/29/21. 20 to 25 people are needed each day. Generally, 4hrs shifts. please call Sandy if you can work.

Member News
Steve Rees has resigned from the MICC Board and Lori Redmond becomes President, in accordance with the MICC Bylaws.

Peggy Karnes has retired from her job at ICC.

Old Business
Club hats are in; $15 each.

Three members have volunteered to be the Nominating Committee. Thank you –Peggy Karnes, Connie Durham, and Jody Lawrence.

This is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer (serving as a board member, leading an event, helping with one of our charities. The club would not exist without you.

New Business
The new Nominating Committee will be looking for Club Members to run or fill Board Member seats that are up for election this Fall. Those seats are Vice President, Treasurer, Membership, and Activities.

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu.
The website features new AND existing members as well as images with member cars. Ed also accepts images of events. Please indicate captions that identify members in the images whenever possible (just name them in the email. when you send the images).

Motion to adjourn by John Allen, seconded by Don Karnes at 7:40 pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary Jim Redmond

April 12, 2021 (Face-to-face + virtual)

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:35 p.m. with 20 members online and 38 at Timberlake Club, with 3 guests present (John Allen and Bob and Dee Bockler) Currently there are 148 members and 84 households in the club.

Vice President Lori Redmond took charge of the meeting (with help from President Steve). This was John Allen’s second participation with the Club; he was voted in unanimously. Welcome new member John Allen!


Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Tracy Adamson; seconded by Steve Rees.

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). Motion to accept by Tracy Adamson; seconded by Steve Rees.

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the “Calendar” on the website for upcoming events and the “News” for images and descriptions of events that took place!

Old Business
The hats are in: $15 each. Hats may be picked up at the May 10 meeting at Uftring. If you ordered one, please bring cash or a check made out to MICC. A few extra hats were ordered for members who might have missed the opportunity.

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without you.

New Business
Next month’s meeting will be virtual and in-person at Uftring Chevy in Washington.

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu
This includes new members AND existing members with new cars

Motion to adjourn by Tracy Adamson and seconded by Steve Rees at 6:55

Respectfully Submitted
Secretary Jim Redmond

March 8, 2021 Virtual Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:30 p.m. with 20 members online and no guests present. Currently there are 150 members and 83 households in the club.

Gary Uftring and Joe Knapp talked and gave tips on what to check or look for when getting your car out of winter storage, make sure the battery is fully charged, tires are aired up rotate them if possible, they might have flat spots from setting give them a chance to warm up before driving too fast.

Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Sandy Arnold and seconded by Bruce Adamson.

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). Motion to accept by Lori Redmond and seconded by Bruce Adamson

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website!

Member Share
Larry Wood shared thoughts and photographs from a recent trip to the National Corvette Museum. Thank you to Larry for the time and effort to share this interesting information.

Member news
Connie Durham is retiring after 40yrs of nursing, (congratulations).

There is a Members Only page on the Website. Contact a Board Member or the Webmaster for log-in credentials.

If you have news/information/announcements, please send them to a Board Member, who will try to get it in the next Minutes. I know this is not a Newsletter, but I think most of us would like to know how the members are doing.

Old Business
From the survey, the vote was that The Club order new hats in the color of Black and Red. They will order 48 of them and they should be in by April 1st.

New Business
In the recent survey, 62% of those voting (24 of 39) wants to meet in person in April, and 65% (26 of 40) want the Car Show proceeds to go directly to St Jude.

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu. This includes new members AND existing members with new cars.

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer—from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club wouldn’t exist without you.

Motion to adjourn by Jim Redmond and seconded by Sandy Arnold at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary Jim Redmond

February 8, 2021 Virtual Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:30 p.m. with 26+ members online and 4 guests present. Currently there are 150 members and 85 households in the club.

Welcome new members Ron and Mindy Cloninger, also Butch and Pat Kubon! They were voted into the club at the meeting. Welcome!


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented with the budget for 2021. They accepted by the membership. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Ed Lamoureux and seconded by Lori Redmond.

Secretary’s Report:
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). A motion was made to accept the report as read by Lisa Jones and Seconded by Bruce Adamson.

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events are on the website Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before any event. Please check the website!

Tom Stanesa talked about the Car Show the Morton VFW is putting on this summer and how we are invited to participate in it as a Club or individually, they will have a spot just for Corvettes.

Anyone can arrange an Event, if you want guidance Rich will help you. Recent club-oriented events have been successful and enjoyable. The club continues to grow; there are some activities to participate in.

New Business
The audit of the Club was completed, we want to thank those members that worked it.

Old Business
The By-Laws were reviewed, and a couple of revisions were sent out to the members. The vote was 40 to accept; 3 not to accept. Again, we would like to thank those members that worked on this, and the members that voted.

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer—from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without you!

Thank You, John Haase for everything you have done for our Club & Members. See <https://mid-illinoiscorvetteclub.net/john-hasse-retirement-tribute/>

Membership Report

Webmaster Report

A motion to adjourn was made by Ed Lamoureux, seconded by Sandy Arnold at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by Jim Redmond

January 2021 Virtual Meeting

The January 11 meeting was called to order by President Steve Rees at 6:30 p.m. with 18 members and 4 guests present. Currently there are 145 members and 83 households in the club.
Visitors present: Al and Pat Kubon, Ron and Mindy Cloninger


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Ed Lamoureux and seconded by Sandy Arnold

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). A motion was made to accept the report by Bruce Adamson and Seconded by Lisa Jones

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

August 28 and 29 2021 set date for autocross. The NCCC recommends that a waiver be signed before every event.

All events are on the website WWW.MID-ILLINOISCORVETTECLUB.NET calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please check the website! A few of the activities are:

St. Jude Drive–May 13-14
Car Show–June 12, 2021

The club continues to grow; there will be many activities to participate in. Please watch the website.

New Business
Welcome Lisa Jones as the Treasurer.
2020 budget being worked on.
By-Laws being updated by Sandy Arnold, Jim Redmond, Steve Rees, Tracy Adamson
Thank you to the audit committee: Bruce Adamson, Lisa Jones, Peggy Karnes

Member news

Old Business
Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club wouldn’t exist without you!

Membership Report

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu.
New members or members who have new cars, or cars other than those pictured on the website, should update the images when they can.

A motion to adjourn was made by Jim Redmond and seconded by Sandy Arnold at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted
Secretary Jim Redmond

December 2020 Virtual Meeting

December 14, 2020
The meeting was called to order by President Steve Rees at 6:32 p.m. with 20 members and 2 guests present. Currently there are 162 members and 92 households in the club.

Our guests, Jess and Tamara Knight requested to become members of Mid-Illinois Corvette Club. They were voted in to the club during the meeting. Welcome Jess and Tamara!


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Lisa Jones and seconded by Ed Lamoureux

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy).
Motion to accept by Larry Wood and seconded by Tracy Adamson

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website for updates!

Dining tour books are for sale

The date for the Annual Mid-Illinois Car Show will be June 12, 2021

Tom Stanessa is interested in having MICC participate in a car show in Morton, IL. in May

Member news
Craig Curry, club member since 2016, passed away Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at his home. Please keep his wife, Linda and family in your prayers.

Kathi Bertke, mother of club member Angie (Jeff) Uftring passed away Monday, December 14, 2020. Please keep Angie,Jeff and their families in your prayers.

Larry Mooney, club member, had emergency surgery on Thanksgiving Day. He is doing well!

Old Business
After Steve talked with Jim Walton, NCCC Business Agent, it was decided that waivers will be used for all club events to insure protection and liability for the club.

New Business
The club collected $1,195 for the Salvation Bell Ringers. The donation was sent on December 7th.

Thank you Peggy Karnes for serving as MICC Treasurer for the past few years. Everyone greatly appreciates your hard work! You will be missed!

Watch for the Bill Board messages provided by Jack Mooberry during our ZOOM meetings.

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu. This includes new members AND existing members’ new cars

Motion to adjourn by Ed Lamoureux and seconded by Rich Anderson at 7:09p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sandy Arnold, Governor

November 2020 Meeting Minutes (Virtual)
November 9, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President Steve Rees at 6:36 p.m. with 25 members and 1 guest present. Currently there are 162 members and 94 households in the club.


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Elaine Kasky and seconded by Ed Lamoureux

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). Motion to accept by Lisa Jones and seconded by Lori Redmond

Governor’s Report
August 28 and 29 2021 set date for autocross.
It is recommended by the NCCC that a waiver be signed before every event.
Motion to accept by Elaine Kasky and seconded by Peggy Karnes
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events are on the website calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please continue to check the website! There are no activities planned at this time.

17 dining tour books are for sale

Member news
George Taylor has been having health issues.

Old Business
Reminder of the new “Member Only” portion of the webpage

Discussion on Salvation Army bellringing. Instead of ringing the bells, the club will provide a donation (Club funds + member solicitation)

Dining Tour books are still available

New Business
No Christmas party this year

Members asked to give thought to any changes they would like to see, once we can meet in person again

Lisa Jones and Bruce Adamson volunteered to perform the annual audit

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux at ell@bradley.edu
This includes new members AND existing members with new cars.

Motion to adjourn by Ed Lamoureux and seconded by Lori Redmond at 7:42p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Secretary Jim Redmond

October 2020 Meeting Minutes (Virtual)
October 12, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:38 p.m. with 23 members and 0 guests present. Currently there are 162 members and 92 households in the club.


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by John Walker and seconded by Tracy Adamson

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). A motion was made to accept the report as read by Lisa Jones and Seconded by Peggy Karnes

Governor’s Report

All events are on the website mid-illinoiscorvetteclub.net calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please check the website! A few of the activities anticipated are:

Fall colors drive to Spring Valley / Verucchi’s Restaurant

Bishop Hill Bakery and Eatery

Check the Calendar on the Website for new/changed activities

Member News
Steve Rees (Board President) retired from CAT at the end of September (continues as MICC President)

John Haase thanked everyone for his retirement gifts and recognition

Old Business
2021 Renewals are needed

Member Only section has been added to club website

Club photographer still needed

Dining Books are in, and are $30

New Business
2021 Board members were approved. Motion 1st by John Walker and Second by Larry Mooney, vote 17-0

Shoe Fund on hold for this year, due to COVID

Salvation Army bell-ringing up in the air, due to COVID. Be thinking about volunteering, if OK is given

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Ed Lamoureux. E-mail: ell@bradley.edu

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a Board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club wouldn’t exist without you!

Motion to adjourn Dave Bowles, seconded by Steve Rees
Meeting adjourned at 6:57p.m.

Respectably submitted
Jim Redmond Secretary

September 2020 Meeting Minutes (Virtual)
September 14, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:30 p.m. with 26 members online and 1 guest present. Currently there are 161 members and 94 households in the club.

Welcome new member Rob Meyer! He was voted into the club at the meeting. They have a 2020 Corvette. Welcome!


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Rich Anderson and seconded by Tracy Adamson.

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). A motion was made to accept the report as read by Peggy Karnes and Seconded by Jack Mooberry.

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

Still have the 2021 Convention in Cleveland OH on the schedule, most of the events cancelled for this year.

The Auto Cross for next year is hopefully going to be August 28th & 29th 2021.

All events are on the website mid-illinoiscorvetteclub.net Events. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please check the website!

Everyone seemed to enjoy the Winery trip. We will be doing the Fall Colors Drive on Oct. 18th, see the website for details

Anyone can arrange an Event, If you want guidance Rich will help you.

All of the Events that have taken place, have been successful and enjoyable.

The club continues to grow; there are many activities to participate in.

New Business
Steve Rees presented information about the trailer, and the Board recommended to buy it and the Equipment for Auto Cross from Great River Corvette Club. Bob Picton made a motion to purchase it and Jim Becker seconded it, the motion was approved by the members present.

The Cost of the Trailer and Equipment was $1950.00. Thanks to Dan Gove and Jim Redmond who went to look at and assess it, they thought it was worth it. Thanks to Tom Stanesa who will store the trailer inside for The Club at no charge.

2021 Proposed Board Members
President: Steve Rees
Vice President: Lori Redmond
Secretary: Jim Redmond
Treasurer: Lisa Jones
Governor: Sandy Arnold
Membership Director: Tracy Adamson
Activity Director: Rich Anderson
Old Business: None

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club would not exist without you!

Thank You, John Haase for everything you have done for our Club & Members.

Membership Report
Membership Dues are up for renewal to NCCC by November 1ST 2020, but Tracy needs your check by October 15th so she can process them.

Send payments to:
Tracy Adamson
35 Columbine Street
Morton IL 61550
Make check out to MICC $71.00 for couples $61.00 for singles.

Webmaster Report
Welcome Ed Lamoureux he is replacing Don Karnes who we want to thank for all the work he has done. We still need someone take over The Club Photographer. The new Website is up and running if any members have pictures, they want posted they need to send them to Ed at (ell@bradley.edu)

A motion to adjourn was made by Rich Anderson and seconded by Tracy Adamson at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted by, Jim Redmond

August 2020 Meeting Minutes (Virtual)
Augutst 10, 2020
The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:32 p.m. with 32 members and 0 guests present. Currently there are 160 members and 93 households in the club.


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Elaine Kasky and seconded by John Walker.

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). A motion was made to accept the report as posted by Tracy Adamson and Seconded by Diana Mooney.

Governor’s Report

All events are on the website https://mid-illinoiscorvetteclub.net calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please check the website! A few of the activities are:

St Jude Cruise In will be August 21 to replace the St. Jude Drive.

Aug 27-29 – Corvette Adventures, Chula Vista, Wisconsin Dells

Sep 11-12 – Bloomington Gold, Indianapolis, IN

New Business
Need to have a nomination committee checking on positions that will be opened, Bruce Adamson is looking for volunteers to help find the nominees.

St Jude Drive sponsor ship of $1,000 was sent.

Great Rivers Corvette Club gave the club first shot at buying their trailer with the equipment for the Autocross, need more information before putting it to a club member vote.

Old Business
MICC Web page still working on some bugs but it should be up and running by September.

Lands’ End apparel club color (dark cobalt blue).

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer, from serving as a board member, to leading an event, and helping with one of our charities. This club wouldn’t exist without you!

Membership Report

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Don Karnes at karnesdon@gmail.com. It was discussed that new members or members who have new or different cars should be updated in the near future.

A motion to adjourn was made Sandy Arnold and Seconded by Elaine Kasky at 7:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted

James Redmond Secretary

July 2020 Meeting Minutes (Virtual)
July 13, 2020

The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Lori Redmond at 6:40 p.m. with 22 members and 0 guests present. Currently there are 160 members and 93 households in the club.

It was discussed that next month’s meeting might be at Uftring Chevy at that time, but THAT won’t happenL it will be a virtual meeting with Zoom again.


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Darlene Corrie seconded by Tracy Adamson.

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). A motion was made to accept the report as read by Tracy Adamson Seconded by Peggy Karnes.

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events are on the website https://mid-illinoiscorvetteclub.net calendar. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please check the website!

The club continues to grow; there are many activities to participate in.

New Business
Need to have a nomination committee checking on positions that will be opened

Old Business
Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club wouldn’t exist without you!

The July 15th drive by for the Essential Workers was a success.

Ed Lamoureux reported that the new Website is progressing well

Membership Report

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Don Karnes at karnesdon@gmail.com. It was discussed that new members or members who have new or different cars should be updated in the near future.

A motion to adjourn was made at 7:07 p.m. by Ed Lamoureux, Seconded by Tracy Adamson.

Respectfully Submitted

Jim Redmond

June 2020 Meeting Minutes (Virtual)
June 8, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:30 p.m. with 26 members and 0 guests present. Currently there are 160 members and 93 households in the club.


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Ed Lamoureux and seconded by Diane Mooney

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). A motion was made to accept the report as read by Ed Lamoureux and Seconded by Peggy Karnes.

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events can be found on the website calendar: https://mid-illinoiscorvetteclub.net. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please check the website! A few of the activities are:

St Jude “Kruzin’ for the Kidz” on August 21. This is now a local event, and a replacement for the 2020 St. Jude Corvette Drive (due to COVID-19).

The club continues to grow; there are many activities to participate in. Before meetings several members meet at Kep’s in Washington at 5:00 p.m. for dinner (currently on hold due to COVID-19).

Old Business
MICC Car Show has been cancelled. We’re looking for ideas on how to still raise some funds to donate to St Jude.

Update on the MICC webpage redo

Lands End apparel – Decision made that Dark Cobalt Blue is the official color for this year. Any shirt is an option, but the color will allow the club to look “related” at any group function.

Nominating committee needed, due to Treasurer position being open.

New Business
NCCC Annual Conference was cancelled

Newsletter being considered again

Membership Report

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Don Karnes at karnesdon@gmail.com. It was discussed that new members or members who have new or different cars should be updated in the near future.

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club wouldn’t exist without you!

A motion to adjourn was made

Respectfully Submitted

James Redmond

May 2020 Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President, Steve Rees at 6:30 p.m. with 29 members and 1 guest present. Currently there are 160 members and 93 households in the club.

Welcome new member Chris Carr, she was voted into the club at the meeting. She has a ruby red 40th anniversary corvette. Welcome!


Treasurer’s Report
A detailed report was presented and accepted by the membership. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Ed and seconded by Rich.

Secretary’s Report
Posted as Meeting Minutes on the website and emailed (those without email are mailed a copy). A motion was made to accept the report as read by _____ and Seconded by .

Governor’s Report
The Governor’s Report from May 2020 is located at the bottom of this minutes page.

All events are on the website midillinoiscorvetteclub.net calendar. With the exception of last minute drive outs based on good weather. Rich usually sends a reminder email/invite before an event. Please check the website! A few of the activities are:

St Jude Cruise In will be August 21 groups of 10 like a poker run to replace the St. Jude Drive

The club continues to grow; there are many activities to participate in.

New Business
Need to have a nomination committee checking on positions that will be opened

Waiting on decision for care show

Old Business
MICC Web page

Remember, this is your club! There are many opportunities to volunteer from serving as a board member to leading an event to helping with one of our charities. This club wouldn’t exist without you!

Membership Report

Webmaster Report
Please email any pictures you would like to have added to the website to Don Karnes at karnesdon@gmail.com. It was discussed that new members or members who have new or different cars should be updated in the near future.

A motion to adjourn was made at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

May Governor’s Report 2020
May 2. 2020

There wasn’t a Governor’s Meeting May 1-2, 2020, in St. Louis, MO., due to the Corona Virus Pandemic. Instead we held a conference call on May 2nd with our region following the agenda used for our meeting.

At this time they are still planning to have the convention in July, in Indianapolis. If that changes, they will let everyone know.

Most events, rallies’, autocross, car shows, have been canceled through June. Please check the MWR website for daily updates. The Memorial Day Regional Fundraiser May 23-25 is canceled.

The region is asking all clubs to submit regional recognition. Our club does lots of community service! Let’s get something to Larry Pagliaro for some club recognition….bell ringers, shoe fund, car show, etc. Rich has forms in the FAQ folder! The information will be published in the Blue Bars magazine.

It was discussed at the meeting that membership renewals would be mailed to the RMD no later than November 7th. This not only helps me process renewals but helps with yearend bookkeeping. Please have your renewals to Tracy so they can be submitted by October meeting.

The NCCC has 17,467 members with 238 clubs in 16 regions. This number is up 429 members since our February meeting.

Our region continues to be the largest region in the National Council of Corvette Clubs with 2,443 members. Corvette Club of Illinois is the largest club in the Midwest Region with 195 members. There are 35 MAL’s and 26 Lifetime members in the MWR.

The St. Jude Corvette Drive to Memphis has been canceled. The new date for the Drive will be August 20-21, 2020. For questions, please email Dan Gove at stjudedrive@gmail.com.

As we see the daffodils pop out, spring has to be close! Hopefully, we will be able to get those cars out soon and enjoy a ride!

Please be safe!

Sandy Arnold, Governor

All content on this website is protected by US copyright law. © Mid-Illinois Corvette Club, 2023